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About BlackMajlc

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Yeah so when i try to join through the Arma 2 OA i get this (Username: Uses modified data file -- C;/Users/Family/Appdata/Local/ArmA 2 OA/MPMissionsCache/ cur mo.pbo ^^^^ May have messed up on typing out the error\ Instead of sending me to the menu it sends me to this-(Basically sending me back to the server list) http://gyazo.com/e943cdc7cea6eef314c2af87755c9ebb
  2. Nope i still have the same issue after checking that in dayz commander /:
  3. Update: When I try to update to the latest patch i get the error ( WRONG CD KEY.)
  4. Well yeah ive done this already but still the same issue.When i launch Arma OA from steam i look in the bottom right corner and it says (Version:1.62.95248) But when i get sent to the menu launching from dayz commander it apparantly says the latest patch.(Version:1.62.103718)
  5. What Im starting to think is my Arma 2 OA isnt on the latest build, because mine is on (Version:1.62.95248). Ive seen other peoples Arma 2 OA version and theres in on (Version:1.62.103718)
  6. Alright there was a recent patch for dayz overwatch, before for the update the ive been able to join this server without problem or issue. But the day i log on after the patch, I try to join a server and I get to the player list then click continue. It then pops up recieving mission file with a loading bar, at the end of the loading it sends me to the Arma 2 OverWatch Menu( kinda like the arma2 menu but for overwatch.) It wont let me join any other overwatch server... Things I have tried to fix this problem Uninstalled and re-installed Dayz Commander, also making sure everything is updated.I have also uninstalled and re-installed Arma 2 OA If anyone has/had and or knows how to fix this problem, I would greatly appreciate the solution to this.