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About rookkii

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  1. rookkii


    I experienced this earlier on our server. Saw a guy ride into Cherno on an ATV. Watched him run around being chased by zombies. When he stopped I shot him 4 times with an m24. Watched the bullets hit and he just looked at me and started firing at me. My friend ran around behind him and unloaded an entire ak clip into him and nothing he turned around and one shot him. Then he started shooting through an entire building at me. So yes there are hackers and they do have god mode and other abilities. Don't know about anyone else but without the threat of dying and losing gear the running and loading game that is dayz would really suck. It's disappointing that these butt hurt 13 yr olds can't figure out how to play the game so they insist on making it miserable for everyone. Just my 2 cents but hackers/ exploiters have made dayz really unenjoyable lately
  2. ok so i dont mean to start a thread that everyone already knows but i need to vent some of my frustrations with this game at the moment. the loading times at login are getting out of hand. i dont know what the process is that has to be loaded or what kind of communication has to occur between the client, server and hive but it is overwhelmingly bad. everyone always jokes that dayz is a mix between a running simulator and a loading game but for fucks sake this is rediculous. not only does it take forever to load on initial login...which i can understand taking a bit of time but when you die and have to restart it should be a very quick process...you should have some chance of getting back to your body and trying to kill the person that killed you and recovering some of your gear so long as you have some luck in your spawn location...but with a 20 min load and freezing on "LOADING" every FUCKING time you have no chance. again im sorry for posting what everyone already knows but i figure the more the dev team sees people having issues with this they might start to take notice and try to resolve these issues.
  3. rookkii

    DayZ Standalone rlly?

    LOL duck hunting with an AS50....bang, no more duck...bullet continues for another 6 miles....lol
  4. Hey everyone. I've been playing dayz for a while now with a friend. We are looking for some more people to team up with so that we can do some more organized town raids and Vehicle searching We are not trying to start a clan rather we just want to find some people that enjoy the game as much as we do and want to play together We are pretty consistent players that know the mechanics and are mature. We don't have a specific server we play on and we aren't devestated about dying and losing gear. We have each lost multiple sniper rifles, nvg, ghillie suits, and vehicles to firefights. If anyone is interested you can add me on Skype:eswakon or respond to this thread
  5. rookkii

    seattle 86 - hacker/spawner

    I was alt tabed while making this post yesterday so imrushed and left some stuff out. whoever was spawn hacking also spawned a bunch of helicopters. My friend and I went to the northwest airfield and found at least 6 helicopters sitting on the runway as well as ammo crates spawned across the entire map We have played on this server a bunch of times without issues and are disappointed that this is happening on a server that we frequently use.
  6. just logged on to seattle 86 to find an a-10 plane spawned and a guy running up to it....he spawned a black sedan car as well when he ran towards me... name of the person i saw spawn the car: Jeebs, malice, smough these guys were instantly spawning near the spawned items in the southwest area of the map also suspect that the motorcycle that we found should not be in the game as well...it was located in cherno so not sure but thought we should report it as well i have 3 pics to prove the spawned items upon request...they are too big to upload to the forum my name in game is rookkii and my friend that found this stuff with me is belerophontes
  7. hey i would be interested in grouping up...my steam name in washout07
  8. rookkii

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Profile Name: Rookkii Player ID (Not SteamID): Rookkii Why do you wish to join the Militia:looking for a steady group a players so i dont have to play solo any more What can you offer the Militia: a mature player that is willing to work as a team member Are you a team player:yes Are you willing to lose your gear if required:of course your gonna loose it eventually anyway Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which:nope Extra Information: 28 yrs old, live in miami florida steam ID: washout07
  9. hey everyone, im fairly new to DayZ and would like to find some people to for a consistant group to play with...i am generally interested in survival and againt being a bandit however i am not against killing anyone who seems to be a threat. i am 28 yrs old and live in miami FL, i like to think i have a pretty good sense of humor and not much offends me. if anyone is interested please let me now. i am able to use vent teamspeak and skype if necessary respond here or send me a steam PM...my steam name is washout07