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Everything posted by dajonkel

  1. dajonkel

    Banned from GB #00 for gun hacking

    Sorry, I have nothing to do with this at all, but... Bitch, *smack* please... <_<
  2. Being a long time gaming RP fan myself, I can only dream about "all the cool kids" finally realizing gaming RP is completely different from "Lightningbolt! Lightningbolt!" video we all associate with roleplaying. Having played many games over the years and always attempting to get more people see the possibilities and fun of it, I think DayZ may be the platform to complete my dream at last. Roleplaying in a game is no more than playing "the character" you pictured when giving yourself a big cop moustache and blacked out aviator glasses or that lunatic axe murderer "Comin' tagetcha, boy!" whenever encountering someone you don't know so your character creates a story or even a legend around himself. Thinking roleplayers have to be nice is the biggest misconception anyone can have, in fact they can be very choosy who they are friendly too and kill off all the rest, and that's exactly where lays the key to being a roleplayer or not: Interaction with people. Being a roleplayer is all about trying to basically meet as many unknown people to spread your tale to form that legend, which is why roleplayers try to have some basic rules, such as always having to talk to someone before either being friendly, ignoring or killing them, to help with spreading the story but these kinds of rules are as different as the games they are played with. My idea is as following; Put [RP] in your in game name to show you're trying to follow the underlaying rules as much as possible. I will explain in examples why these rules are generally accepted to define you as a "roleplayer": 1. Interaction with anyone who's gameplay you may be affecting, so they understand why, and you do too. 2. Sticking to decisions you make and rules you agree to. *1. If you want to kill a guy, have a reason for it, and make sure he knows it too. "This is my town" is reason enough, just make sure the guy knows who you are so he can tell other people you are indeed the owner of the town as you displayed to him 2 seconds after by murdering him in the face or having your sniper buddy take him out on your command. (yes respawning is not some kind of strange roleplaying error, we fully accept is as happening). Secondly, interaction can also mean having a signature action, to tell your apart entirely by your gamestyle alone, which is hard to do, but even more greater if done well. A bandit sniper who on purposes always misses his first, third, fifth, seventh shot can get a lot of respect for creating intense moments of gameplay for the guy getting shot, and even more if he keeps it up once people catch on and start taking him down. 2. If you indeed claim to own the town, stick with it, so next time you go tell some guy he's on your land, he may ask for a job, or offer up some of his loot in the few seconds before you kill him and it's up to you whether to engage in this or not. Set him to work cleaning up your city and bringing anything valuable to you. Likewise, if you while being held at gunpoint as a last chance offer too work for some guy and he accepts, make sure to follow through. These kind of roleplay agreements of course need to not be taken too serious and as long as the story fits, go with it. If some guy offers you a can of food while he's got a bag of more valuable stuff you don't need, just accept. However of course if you saw he's got a bag full of the ammo you need, don't shoot him right away, disagree the can and specifically ask for his ammo. He will know you're not messing around if you shoot him in the leg while telling him. Importantly, this allows NON [RP] players to interact with you and know you will stand by what you say. A non roleplaying sniper who has been killing people in a town all day may decide to let an [RP] member go to only to meet up with him outside of town telling him he how he was spared and now has to go loot, spot or even lure in other players for 15/30 minutes in the town he just left. Furthermore, we'll open up a new thread in which people can give a short description of how they are roleplaying if they want, as other threads about legends of the axemurderer(s?) of Elektro "who will let you live if you give them anything of the following list of items", or the fame of that sniper who salutes from the distances after saving your ass will soon start on their own. So what are you guys thinking? Anyone who hasn't tried consistent roleplaying before got interested by this idea? Any more "rules"/ideas you came up? I am not looking to run this idea, this should come from everyones desire to love DayZ even more by playing in a world that has much and much more depth to it. Post any questions about above text below, and please post constructive criticism in a way it could be pretty much copy pasted into or over parts of the above text, hell you may very well rewrite the whole idea, just try to keep moving this forward.
  3. Yeah, guess you did pretty much close the thread with your original reply. Thanks for 2 pages of pretending you know better by hating on semantics instead of actually showing you do, ZedsDeadbaby. And I reallly don't understand Aaron's quote and picture. You're giving up on me the second I underline that I understand the difference between gaming RP and (I assume what you consider, to be with your "oh well I was hoping this was going to be good" picture) "the real deal", and instead of "being the roleplay veteran" and helping this thread out, you fall for the same internet cool guy peer pressure. Congratulations, you have both "evolved" from roleplayers to PriceLineNegotiator's l33t d4d3 level, if you ever were any different.
  4. Yes. But, again, that has nothing to do with "RP" as such. If you want to make a bunch of new rules to make a "better game" (in your opinion) then that's fine. But you can't just call it RP to sound high-and-mighty about it. If I'm a chaotic evil thief playing hide & seek with a toddler, I'm allowed to wait for him to cover his eyes and start counting and then jam a dagger in his belly and pick his pockets while he bleeds out on the ground crying for his mommy, right? Right. I reaaaally don't see what useless point you are trying to make. You are not roleplaying in this game in anyway, you are PLAYING this non roleplaying game completely within the confinements of rules, the makers defined as a non roleplaying game. That's like saying your -roleplaying- a lawful good paladin by defining this as counting to the full amount required while playing hide and seek and probably not pushing anyone out of the way.
  5. I get where you are coming from, but DayZ just isn't the game that allows for anyone calling themselves a roleplayer to not go without adding extra rules to what the game already offers because clearly it's not a roleplaying game. That being said, it potentially could be a really great roleplaying game, and a character for example you are describing would only work if indeed everyone was roleplaying so your "stealth sniper" build would be seen as that. Much like how in my previous rant, you could technically play king/god but that only works if everyone does it, which would require some kind of hardcoding, which is exactly what would keep -you- from ever reaching king/god as if it was a hardcoded thing, only 1 person could be it and that would be me, you see.
  6. To be ahead of "those" kinds of posts; If you don't understand how "Well, then I want to roleplay "king/god" doesn't work, and how these kind of rules need to be followed just like -any- rule in -any- game you play need to followed then this just isn't for you. It pretty much comes down to this; When you play hide and seek with a toddler, they won't understand the concept of waiting before having to find, back in the days, while growing up you learned that making rules will allow for a better game, in the context of hide and seek it will allow for a better hide and a better seek for both parties. Sadly nowadays with computer games, kids never learn to wait, I mean how many "modern gamers" will wait in a PvP game if the timer doesn't freeze them into place and lock every last action they can do. Hell they'll be spamming the one button they can, most of the times some buff, a mount, an emote, we all know exactly what I mean. Sorry to rant, this isn't meant personally towards you at all.
  7. dajonkel

    I'm a shoot on site murderer. AMA.

    The only thing I'm reading is "per definition I don't trust people on the internet". Which is completely fine on it's own. But then I just don't understand why you choose to go play a game that is ALL about these mindgames when you've clearly already closed yourself from it AND with the knowledge there's games that have set "who do I need to trust" in stone by having teams, no friendly fire, small maps, instant respawn, ect.
  8. dajonkel

    I'm a shoot on site murderer. AMA.

    I've got a question for you: Why do you bother playing a full on army simulator only to "kill" while there's tons of games out there that are build around "just killing". To me it seems you cannot coop with the level of skill in games that are -all- about killing, so you go play a game that offers a whole set of options to players so you can "kill" them while they are doing those other things the game has to offer. And even worse, you as a "100% killer" can't begin to wrap your head around why people who do 20% explore/20% socializing/ect in a game that is completely build for this kind of gameplay get annoyed with having to deal with "100% killing" people. It's like this; You say you like rollercoasters, but are too afraid to go to an actual themepark that is ALL about rollercoasters, so instead you go to the little carnival down the street and hog the children's rollercoaster ride. And then when some of the other kids come ask you if you could stop riding the rollercoaster all the time, you think you can say no because in your mind "rollercoasters are best" and "I'm in charge of the rollercoaster all the time" so "I'm the person who everyone needs to listen to" even though all the other kids don't care one fucking bit about your goddamn rollercoaster and just want that noise to stop so they can play catch, hide and seek or whatever without having to worry about this noisy flashy train being forced down their throats everytime you decide to take it for a ride.
  9. Internet issues shouldn't be considered at all. If you don't have proper internet in your area, look for another hobby or move to an area that supplies what you need for your hobby. This so reminds me of people in my little village in the netherlands whining about having to drive all the way to Austria to go skiing and the local government actually investing in a skiing park and then having no money for stuff that actually matters to people living in a flat no snow country.
  10. I'm thinking of maybe making some video's, or at least record some fun moments with friends here or there but there's a ton of programs out there that all seem to promote different features. Of course I'm looking for the best quality vs performance loss, and it being free would be very nice too but as editing internet video's is a profession nowadays I'm sure there's all sorts of things that are important too that I'm missing. What program do you use and why?
  11. My view on this is pretty simple; "Bandit" players in Arma2/DayZ mod are comparable to let's say people playing Grand Theft Auto purely to race with cars, whine about cars, cheats about cars, mods about cars and don't care one bit about -everything- the game really is. In the context of the DayZ mod I'm willing to go as far as saying they are RUINING not only the "real" players fun, but also the developers who are forced to deal with "cars" all the frigging time while they wanted to focus on everything else the game has to offer. Especially when keeping in mind that there's specific "racing" games for people who just want to "race". If it were my mod I'd have everyone who wanted to play fill in a request form.
  12. I can't find my facetrack hub thing, does anyone know where I left it? It's not where I thought I left it nor in all the other places it could be so your guess is as good as mine although knowing the location makes you a prime suspect of being the culprit who hid it.
  13. Oh! Isn't that strange. A moderator replies to my thread and within 10 minutes of me reading it I find what I was looking for hidden inside the box my headset came in. Being a passionate moderator is one thing, but hiding people's stuff so they come ask help on the forums so you can keep moderating it is just taking it too far like a firefighter starting fires. :P
  14. dajonkel

    New PC, New game, New player.

    I found the six launcher to do it all for me on the press of a button. Haven't had any trouble at all.
  15. dajonkel

    Having trouble running this mod

    Using the six launcher is the easiest way of running imho. http://dayzmod.com/su.php
  16. Let me start by apologizing for sorta reposting this but my other thread bugged out and was on the second page already before I edited it so this is an all new contented thread pretty much anyway and I didn't want to bump that bugged one back up trying to see if I fixed the too long thread title problem that appeared to persist after logical thinking fixes such as renaming it to a single.) Hello everyone, Let's give this another go after feeling my previous message wasn't really what I was looking for after all. Or rather, didn't really explain my play style. I could go into explaining "why", but that will no doubt come up somewhere along the line if you accept my "how". What it basically comes down to is that I'm looking for one or a couple of people willing to accept me pretty much as a smart game playing dog. That means I'm hard working and eager to learn, but just need someone to throw that stick for me to fetch. I'm also loyal to a fault but very demanding in attention and I've got all the time in the world so expect me to be waiting by the door for you barking to come home, and while you were gone I may in my uncontrolled over enthusiastic naivety accidentally chewed up the couch a little. You can talk with me about everything, and sometimes it looks like I understand you 100% and solve your problems, but other times when you need me the most I just wander off to play outside making you think whether I ever did at all. Jeez this is turning into quite the dating site message. Anyway, I may tug on the leash here and there a bit during our walks but I know you're in charge and the only reason I dare barking at passing dogs is because I know you'll hold me tight and I just wanted to show you I can cover your back when you really need me, anyway. That all being said, I come with many unforeseeable unmeant faults such as biting your 3 year old toddler accidentally, or peeing on the carpet every single time because I just don't get I can't, and I may very well not even recognize you after 2 weeks spending with your parents while you were on holiday so there will be many times where you have to decide to put me down, or leave me with your parents or take me home again to continue as nothing happened, as I'm just a dumb dog with no clue. Initially this would just be for DayZ, but could very well be the start of a 10 year long gaming "friendship" if you will. Some further info: Male, 24, Dutch, any time zone, any gaming experience level (I don't mind helping/teaching/waiting or learning/being told I suck). Have a military background, and did very well with the structure provided so that may be a pro, but not required as long as you're a man with a plan. I've got facetrack, steering wheel and flightstick for vehicle control if required. I will/can/do use a microphone but don't expect me to start talking about the weather or whatever. I don't mind listening/reacting to your random chatter at all though. Have not played Arma2 for a while, and DayZ not more than just a little (I just joined after this latest patch with no weapon start, so it appears to be especially hard for a new player to get the hang of it). So I may be a bit rusty here and there and not able to find a key or a menu, but still experienced in general game play when it comes to aiming/tactics/not emptying your clip on one zombie that sort of stuff. I suppose that about covers it, for any questions reply or send me a PM here. I will give out my steam if seriously interested. EDIT: You can be part of a no/small/big group yourself, and I'll interact/be part with/of them too, but I'm loyal towards you and will follow where you go. Edit2: I'm holding off on getting too over indulged into the game before finding aforementioned person(s), so I'll be a pretty fresh noob still when/if you contact me. Edit 3: I consider myself a very friendly player and would never initiate an event with a negative outcome for someone else if it's not for defending against the same happening to me or someone I know holds the same values. I looked over my post and noticed it looked like I would be interested in joining some sinister Sith Lord as an apprentice while he overthrows his group but if that would happen I'd plunge the dagger in YOUR back myself. Edit 4: Joining your group of murderers because you had enough and want to turn good by leaving with a bang is something I'd be up for, but I suppose pointing that out here sorta beats the purpose, so contact me asap about that and I'll delete this entire thread to hide the idea.
  17. dajonkel

    Odd FPS issue.

    I had the same problem, and for me it instantly fixed when I closed down the Six launcher in the background. I too had been changing/raging at my settings for hours. (and many days in the past) and this was quite the *smackface* moment.
  18. dajonkel

    when i look screen keeps freezing?

    Turn off all the programs in the background, especially the six launcher/updater once you're launching Arma2/DayZ That seems to fix a lot of the stutter lag errors.
  19. Hello everyone, Let's give this another go after feeling my previous message wasn't really what I was looking for after all. Or rather, didn't really explain my playstyle. I could go into explaining "why", but that will no doubt come up somewhere along the line if you accept my "how". What it basically comes down to is that I'm looking for one or a couple of people willing to accept me pretty much as a smart game playing dog. That means I'm hard working and eager to learn, but just need someone to throw that stick for me to fetch. I'm also loyal to a fault but very demanding in attention and I've got all the time in the world so expect me to be waiting by the door for you barking to come home, and while you were gone I may in my uncontrolled over enthusiastic naivety accidentally chewed up the couch a little. You can talk with me about everything, and sometimes it looks like I understand you 100% and solve your problems, but other times when you need me the most I just wander off to play outside making you think whether I ever did at all. Jeez this is turning into quite the dating site message. Anyway, I may tug on the leash here and there a bit during our walks but I know you're in charge and the only reason I dare barking at passing dogs is because I know you'll hold me tight and I just wanted to show you I can cover your back when you really need me, anyway. That all being said, I come with many unforeseeable unmeant faults such as biting your 3 year old toddler accidentally, or peeing on the carpet every single time because I just don't get I can't, and I may very well not even recognize you after 2 weeks spending with your parents while you were on holiday so there will be many times where you have to decide to put me down, or leave me with your parents or take me home again to continue as nothing happened, as I'm just a dumb dog with no clue. Initially this would just be for DayZ, but could very well be the start of a 10 year long gaming "friendship" if you will. Some further info: Male, 24, Dutch, any time zone, any gaming experience level (I don't mind helping/teaching/waiting or learning/being told I suck). Have a military background, and did very well with the structure provided so that may be a pro, but not required as long as you're a man with a plan. I've got facetrack, steering wheel and flightstick for vehicle control if required. I will/can/do use a microphone but don't expect me to start talking about the weather or whatever. I don't mind listening/reacting to your random chatter at all though. Have not played Arma2 for a while, and DayZ not more than just a little (I just joined after this latest patch with no weapon start, so it appears to be especially hard for a new player to get the hang of it). So I may be a bit rusty here and there and not able to find a key or a menu, but still experienced in general game play when it comes to aiming/tactics/not emptying your clip on one zombie that sort of stuff. I suppose that about covers it, for any questions reply or send me a PM here. I will give out my steam if seriously interested.