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Everything posted by DayZSurvivor299

  1. DayZSurvivor299

    Stuck on "Loading"!!!

    In every server i got stuck on "Londing" and the game freezes!!! HELP!
  2. DayZSurvivor299

    It's hard as F***!

    Hi guys! So... I'm not american so you WILL see some mistakes but it's okay... We don't have any weapons, don't have food or water, and the result is: Chased by 1 zombie = running = more zombies = you can't kill them = you are DEAD. And IF you find a weapon... You'll die because it's hard to find FOOD and WATER! And there's another thing: Groups of bandits. I don't like to kill, but ALWAYS when I don't have ANYTHING some idiots with big fuc*ing guns shoot me, I'm not dangerous, i don't have anything that they want and they kill me! I'm pissed... But FOR THE FIRST TIME, i found water, food, weapons e i'm in a city close to the air field. Now... You have to be LUCKY to find weapons.
  3. DayZSurvivor299

    There are no items... -.-

    Luck is the key for survival...
  4. DayZSurvivor299

    Post your STUPID DEATHS

    I had a M1911... Winchester... Food... Water... That kind of stuff... I was looting a hospital, i climb the stairs... and when i'm going to climb down the stairs...... i fell... and died....