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About noblebrutus@live.co.uk

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. noblebrutus@live.co.uk

    Removing spawns is making this game bad

    I'm in favour of keeping the spawns coastal as it gives a better sense of direction on spawn and a more definite line of progression as opposed to just being spawning anywhere. Still, if done well I wouldn't mind overly much.
  2. noblebrutus@live.co.uk

    Death Cooldown (this is going to be really unpopular...)

    If you could link the cool down time to progression in the game that would work. Make your total playtime with this character slowly add to the time then a small chunk of time for each zombie or player kill on top of that. This would stop somebody dying in 2 minutes and being locked out for ages, but make people value their lives even more as time goes on. I made a suggestion for the DAYZ MOD over a year ago now about the possibility of a private hive 'gamemode' where each player gets only one life and runs in a periodic fashion, also with the twist of no loot respawn: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/122242-a-challenge-gamemode/?hl=gamemode I think it would work well it SA as well.
  3. noblebrutus@live.co.uk

    A case for proceedural/random loot sites

    The Heli crashes were a great part of the mod imo, really hope this feature gets expanded upon. The way I see it, the idea of these random spawns is not 'forcing gameplay situations' but rather facilitating them. I know Rocket would rather someone shoot down a player flown helicopter and then somebody stumble across the wreckage which would be awesome but even when introduced it would be such a rare occurrence that most people wouldn't likely experience it. In the mod I found the idea of these random high level spawns a great reason to go exploring round the map not just head north. It also gave a really good use for vehicles as other than going to Cherno/AElektro for med supplies and then back north there was little reason to use them.
  4. noblebrutus@live.co.uk

    Zombies in buildings and upper floors?

    Just got back in to DayZ after a few months and am loving it again. I was jumped by a Zombie hiding out in a house twice in a 3 hour play session, am still surviving though! I can't remember that ever happening in SA before though.
  5. noblebrutus@live.co.uk

    Player activated environment sounds

    Absolutely, this is a vital feature imo for immersion.
  6. noblebrutus@live.co.uk

    I love playing at night, but this is getting ridiculous.

    Well I've found every server I joined to correspond to ~GMT time.Since I played a couple of hours in the dark, and felt I needed some light since progress was slow and I wanted to admire the new graphics... so I tried joining a multitude of US servers just to find they were all dark too. Perhaps coincidence... but I doubt it. I agree completely. I enjoy both day and night play, but Day is generally more productive and given all my real life daytime commitments I find it unfair to have restricted daylight each week day. Many gamers don't get a chance to play video games until the evening... therefore the current system needs rethought I think.
  7. noblebrutus@live.co.uk

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    Well the bad news is a bandit just hacked me to pieces in a small town somewhere inland, but the good news is that the problem has stopped though unfortunately I didn't get a chance to screenshot it.
  8. noblebrutus@live.co.uk

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    Ok, I managed to get in a high ping server but after maybe trying 20 odd servers and getting an error. I'll screenshot it here after this session of gameplay (I'm not about to leave now I've just managed to get in).
  9. noblebrutus@live.co.uk

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    Ok, I can see the server list again, but ALL the servers are full. Can somebody confirm this is correct? EDIT: No Worries Orlok, I'm breathing deep.
  10. noblebrutus@live.co.uk

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    Same...have they crashed?
  11. noblebrutus@live.co.uk

    Oculus Rift Headtracking question.

    I've not had the chance to try it just yet (I've left my Oculus Rift at my Uni flat to help my revision :blush: ) but I assume it will be the same as for the mod (As long as Trackir is still natively supported). Use Opentrack to emulate trackir with the rift (and hydra if you have one for the best experience). Then Calibrate the sensitivity until it's one to one (took me a while). Alternatively, a simpler solution would be to use Tridef's drivers which can link head tracking to the mouse cursor... however this will come at the disadvantage of the lack of permanent free look.
  12. noblebrutus@live.co.uk

    You feel thirsty... FFFFFFF

    I think the best solution just now would be keeping the text system and HUD-free screen but adding indicators like in the mod to the Inventory screen. Then it does not effect immersion but you can still check your actual thirst to see if you REALLY need a drink, or whether it would be a luxury.
  13. noblebrutus@live.co.uk

    [SA] Anyone find bandages yet?

    I found a bandage in a building near Komarova... does it have any different purpose/effects compared to rags?
  14. noblebrutus@live.co.uk

    ruined backpack?

    It would be interesting if items had the chance to fall out a ruined backpack... ... but maybe that could just get too frustrating?
  15. noblebrutus@live.co.uk

    Things you want to see in SA updates first.

    Well ideally Vehicles/Tents/Bases... ...Realistically: First: Fix Zombies running through walls (happening all the time to me) Then: Better status indicators for hunger/thirst and possibly visibility and sound (like the mod) at least until good in game audio/visual queues are developed. I actually like the text (It sort of encourages the RP for me) but preferably in ADDITION to the indicators.