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Everything posted by feanor12345

  1. feanor12345

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    DayZ is not directly developed by BI.
  2. feanor12345

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    Look at it from an economical point of view wich is the only one that matters in this world. Why should they finish the game? They already have made around 80 000 000 $ with the product. Everyone who wants to buy DayZ already has it and not much more revenue can be generated. Are the devs of DayZ planning to make another game after DayZ ? Do these guys have any reputation to loose that cant be compensated with a piece of that 80 mil pie? It would be illogical from a buisnesmans standpoint to finish or invest into the further development any more than needed to keep enough people convinced. You would just tug along in relation to the revenue still generated. Guys like Brian Hicks dont have the say on that sort of things.
  3. feanor12345

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    I bet you a 100€ that the next patch will take longer than this one that brought us great new weather stuff and base renderers. I dont know if anyone noticed but the rate of patches is constantly decreasing over time.
  4. feanor12345

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    Oh man you really didnt do yourself a favor by cutting into that...^^ You are about to be teached that the development of a game is a very complicated and long lasting task and that you have no idea what you are even talking about (I do tho!) Also you AGREED yourself to test the alpha wich is in no way a finished product so how can you even dare to expect the game to change over a period of 2 -3 years?!? (insert list of useless pseudo features here) <--- PROGRESS!!1 Also its not like DayZ has a big budget or anything along those lines , i mean the next closest thing should be star citizen and those guys arent doing like 20-50 times of the progress dayZ does in the same time. So i really cant understand why you are so impatient .
  5. feanor12345

    Experimental patch..what a winner!

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg9RwwvHLW4 Realy good patch roundup and Hicks vs. Sacriel and Psi in a random ecounter .
  6. feanor12345

    1,000,000 DAYZ

    GOOOOOOOO DAYZ!!!! This is a great day in gaming history. PLEASE please please make a SpaceStation13 remake now Rocket! :D
  7. feanor12345

    Death is final?

    Then imho you have the best chances of surviving if you do it right :D I would recommend playing the mod first since then you would be hardened for anything xD
  8. feanor12345

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Next Notes leaked : -All bugs fixed -No more Hackers -All weapons implenented -All items implented -Vehicles are in -Base Building , Hunting , Horseriding , Pets are in
  9. feanor12345

    Rarer M4A1

    I think there will just be huuuge amount of "crap" guns coming in , i also have the feeling you could very well craft your own basic one shot shotty on your own very soon.
  10. feanor12345

    Dayz Stand Alone Lack Of Items

    If you would have informed yourself JUST A LITTLE BIT you wouldnt have to create this account. Instead you just buy something you dont even know what the hell it is your spending your money , start crying , create a forum account and get on everyones nerves... Just leave , try again in a year.
  11. feanor12345

    This is a ZOMBIE and a SURVIVAL game.

    Ok then you shouldnt have bought this man , its purely your very own mistake. And now youre flaming in the forums and getting on my nerves. JUST LEAVE PLEASE!
  12. feanor12345

    Weapon-Damage way too high!

    Please sir , take a pistol , shoot yourself 3 times , make a video of it and if that last point happens im gonna support your point.
  13. feanor12345

    Every survivors looks military

    Yeah maybe because its about 0,1% of the loot ingame yet ...
  14. feanor12345

    loot not respawning

    The restart time of a server is about 4 h , dunno where but rocket said that. I think a better way would be to spawn the same amount of loot over a period of time. That way you would always find something but never much.
  15. feanor12345

    Knocked unconscious after two punches

    i also think it matters from what direction you get hit from. Also inspired by SS13 , i hate it when youre a syndie get guns , c4 and all that good stuff and then get disarmed by the clown and drop to the ground he takes the gun you just dropped and shoots you with it.
  16. feanor12345

    loot not respawning

    Not a bug , only on restart.
  17. feanor12345

    Strangle People

    Yeah not the most important thing but im certain rocket will strip ss13 of anything useful so i think youll be able to strangle someone with bare hands. Just play ss13 i think it gives agreat taste of many dayz features to come
  18. feanor12345

    I am getting a bit annoyed

    Why... it's out for friggn day and nobody cares about your fucking gear? think about what would happen if everyone would open a thread cause guess what , youre not the only one having this kind of stuff happening!!!!!!!!!
  19. feanor12345

    What are you gonna do?

    Im so gonna be a friendly dude that hunts rapists and bandits.
  20. feanor12345

    What are you gonna do?

  21. OMFG Orlok is clearly trying to keep the forums clean for the release!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING CHOOOOOOO
  22. Why are there already a 150 50player DaySA servers setup and running all around the planet??
  23. Really not much time left , since i don't think it'll release between christmas and new year... It has to be out to the end of the year ... but he didn't say what year :D
  24. French and means son of a whore ? The only word i know xD
  25. Oh yes it is !!! guess whos buying himself a Metaldetector now!!! xD My new hobby i guess. I dont get why this could be considered racist. Omg actually this was ot buut , new dayz feature??