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Everything posted by feanor12345

  1. feanor12345

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Doesnt everything spawn with the server start? So afaik theres no respawn of zeds or loot while the server is running. Meaning , those restarts will be even more crucial.
  2. feanor12345

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    YEEEEEEAH Release this month! I just took a shit and had dat feelin. Im putting 10 european euros on it ( you guys have to share under another)
  3. I just hope it won't be too easy. I want dat average survival time of 6 minutes back. And i LOVE to see that massive SS13 influence there :D Restraining , cuffing , the text system , container sytem (including syringes and the blood system) . I cant even remember how many times i pissed myself playing ss13 , making people slip and injecting them with LSD. I hope this grade of trolling will be possible xD
  4. Aren't grammar nazis always angry? :D This behaviour just shows how much everyone loves the game and wants to play it. Think about when Blizzard was a good company , they ALWAYS pushed back their releases and they ALWAYS made great games. Him pushing back the release for the cost of his own reputation ,sadly, just shows how much passion he has for his work.
  5. I think he will do just the opposite to prevent total server overload on day 1.
  6. feanor12345


    Nope sorry only very experienced at shitting and pissing :D Could you explain the blood piss thing? I really like the whole idea!
  7. @Wayze : Ive gotta give you credits for not wanting this game to become anything like CoD and i'm the last peron that wants that either , believe me. But as you said it wont make you walking tank , because it will only stop handgun and shotgun ammo , you will be thrown to the ground if hit by a bigger projectile. You never are completely covered. But you still have a partially bullet proof shield in your hands that can save your ass and provide cover.Since military weapons will be RARE and meele and 22. cal weapons will be found very often it would be even better. I think if implemented properly it will come down to personal likings. And that to the point that you would be thrown back so easily He is basically shooting a .45 INTO HIS FUCKING HAND WHILE HOLDING THE SHIELD WITH THE OTHER. it is EASY to hold , a child could stop a bullet and not fall down with that... I don't want to stop rifle bullets...
  8. feanor12345


    It's not even just a suggestion , rocket mentioned "somwheresomewhen" that hes not sure if it gets implemented or not :D Its actually not THAT bad of a idea imo . We all do it everyday... But i still have tears in my eyes reading thru this thread , and so would i ingame Isnt that what DayZ is all about??? doing WHATEVER the hell you could possibly do in such a situation? Why not let people throw their shit around??????? It would get you nowhere but would still be all lot of fun shitting on a gun and placing it somwhere xD Or chase someone with a hand full of crap like a snowball. Just imagine on how many strange situations the game would get richer...
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMjAfop_vEM Like ... yeah... If you position it down on the ground and take cover behind it ( what theyre design for you can fire from behind. You wont have as much ammo and firepower , but in a straight on firefight id beat youre ass pretty bad with that and a 1911 :D And its not only high tech swat stuff , local police uses them as well as multi purpose tools... Also as you can see here it has a 1 arm holding handle to it , kind of a smaller version but still what im looking for. And as 3rd evidence i would like to show you a nice Shield + Gun/RIFLE Combat training video used as police and special forces strategy. THE MOST i like the part with rifle and shield It WON'T make you invincible but gives a HUGE advantage over every enemy especially with high amounts of ow cal weapons.
  10. What do riot shields have the f to do with CoD? Why am i screwed with a maybe kevplar plated shield ( crafting ) and a deagle in the other hand. If you dont have any intention of attacking someone in ambush you dont need ambush weapons and give the option to choose , if its a great decision or not gameplaywise.
  11. Yes! + i hope there will be some more defensive things like riot shield or something to exchange firepower for defense.
  12. I also think itll make a big difference that you can lower your gun easy now. So you dont always look like your going to shoot someone. And you can put your hands over your head i think.
  13. feanor12345

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    That question already came up few weeks ago. One of the admins said thisn will stay the official forum for the SA too.
  14. :thumbsup: :lol: Wouid have saved many broken hearts if it had been like that from the start :lol:
  15. Nah just rename it : DayZ SA wont launch until it will launch and were good :D
  16. Srsly this forum is a cut above the rest of the Internet somehow :D Good , now that everyone is friends again , i maay suggest you all to try some dayz mod mods if you havent already? Like Origins is really great , long term fun. Buildings houses , customizing cars etc. But there are more than enough threads on this elsewhere on here... The SA will come out within the next 2 months imo...
  17. Im starting to see it from that side : If it was released this summer or even before , we would sit inside all day long playing and not being outside in the sun :D The game will come... And it will be great. Even more on a rainy , cold and stormy day and night.
  18. Yesterday they did more motion capturing... I think to get the Z's anims. proper. But hell the fact that theyre doing mocap means , no release too soon.
  19. feanor12345

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    hmm you seem to be a pretty wise man .
  20. feanor12345

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    Yeah makes sense. + I don't really understand the explanation why theyre not giving away the release date. Rocket said because they at first wanted to give away keys in 50k bundles?? And what does that has to do with the reveal of the release date? Am i missing something again?
  21. whaaaat , what does this mean theyre going to tell us the date within a week or release within a week????