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Everything posted by Chucknorris405

  1. Chucknorris405

    If you combat log don't play, quit.

    Almost as much as the cowards the combat log!!
  2. Chucknorris405

    If you combat log don't play, quit.

    I really do like this guy!! You're my hero KOS
  3. Chucknorris405

    This happens to me everytime i entre a military building

    that was a good example of poor tactics when entering a building
  4. Chucknorris405

    DayZ SA Stories; "Karma"

    stereotypes....nice! I find it funny the needy, attention seeking child is throwing around insults. Who would have thought? also slugs dont have fingers.........how am i typing? Mind blown!
  5. Chucknorris405

    Will there be more performance updates?

    I..............I don't even................
  6. Chucknorris405

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    No Helis...............ALL DAY SON!!! Helis make the map super small and makes having a base next to worthless. I really hope helis never make it in the game.
  7. Chucknorris405

    Got my friends to buy DayZ.

    Thanks for sharing OP, always nice to get more people in the game. Sorry for the smart-asses, the interwebs are full of them.
  8. Chucknorris405

    DayZ SA Stories; "Karma"

    there is your meme
  9. Chucknorris405

    Character wipes still happening?

    Had my long time character reset yesterday. I only play on my Favorited servers(they are official servers). I was upset my tac vest was gone, but it had been some time since i had to gear up and the experience was enjoyable, two hours later and i was about as geared as before. Its an alpha and wipes will happen, im actually surprised it doesnt happen more.
  10. Chucknorris405

    Question about unconsciousness and death

    If you can hide the body, then they are dead. If you cant hide it, then they are unconscious.
  11. Chucknorris405

    I cant play DayZ now a days :'(

    I think your best bet is to contact steam support at this point. Only other thing i can think of trying is to disable your firewall and internet securities and see if that helps.
  12. Chucknorris405

    DayZ SA Stories; "Karma"

    im gonna good luck myself sooooo hard. you r making me feel special with all the effort to have me watch something......im still not gonna though
  13. Chucknorris405

    DayZ SA Stories; "Karma"

    Your attitude and lack of rule comprehension has made it so i will not watch this or any other video you post in the future. A good attitude can go a long way. Good luck i guess.
  14. In the grand sceme of things, this is like number 500789 in order of importance or need. I really could care less since wearing a mask generally means getting kos without exception
  15. Chucknorris405

    Well, that was lame

    its a know bug with the terrain. If you shoot downhill you almost always hit the invisible wall. You have to get beside or below to shoot them. Would be nice to hear about a fix soon.
  16. Chucknorris405

    Problem with getting kicked

    why i do think its crap and you should report them. You chose your servers.......poorly. Stick to the ones with proper names and you wont get kicked......problem solved
  17. Chucknorris405

    Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....

    straight from a post above 1) a poorshot kos'er who needs to close the distance
  18. Chucknorris405

    Constantly sick

    was with you till this post. If you are too lazy to do your own research then dont expect anything but troll posts in the future. It would have been alot faster to use google.
  19. Chucknorris405

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    What glitch exactly can only be fixed by re-logging?
  20. Chucknorris405

    When Base Building Is Introduced, What Will You Build?

    OMG the schnitzel!!! They dont have them here =(
  21. Chucknorris405

    Tactical vest?

    isnt that an assault vest?
  22. Chucknorris405

    Tactical vest?

    Dat Vest Chucks got it................come and get it
  23. Chucknorris405

    Fix the loot.

    Berry bushes are everywhere and have unlimited amounts of berries........not sure how you starve. I would prefer no loot respawn tbh or maybe respawn every hour or something. The MOD loot system was terrible and loot was way too plentiful and exploitable.
  24. Chucknorris405

    Giving us a point ?

    how could you read my post? you obviously never read any of the thousand warnings u get when buying the alpha or the definition of an alpha. When this is a finished game you might be happier. rick in this post im kinda being a smart ass. Black Dynamite.......I gotta say, your meme placement in other posts is brilliant, i cant even dislike you.