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Everything posted by Kawllie

  1. Kawllie

    trade dayz for cards

    How many cards is it?
  2. Kawllie

    Performance enhancing.

    To change pre-rendered frames: NVIDIA -> Find DayZ SA .exe -> Set "Maximum pre-rendered frames" to "1".
  3. Kawllie

    Performance enhancing.

    Also, change the number of "Pre-rendered Frames" to "1".
  4. Kawllie

    Server List time of the day info?

    You clearly live somewhere other than Sweden now in December.. Light outside from 11:00AM to 4:30PM..
  5. Kawllie

    New Rail Road?

    It looks neat. So what? :)
  6. Kawllie

    Tent / HUD ?

    R4Z0R we should get you a premade template picture refering people to the search bar. :3
  7. Kawllie

    If your new, you should read this.

    This is good shit. Beans to you! Also; When you're looting houses take your time, see this as both time to make sure you didn't miss anything AND a couple of minutes rest for your character.
  8. When Rocket starts to drink again after reading the whiny posts on the forum he'll gradually increase the drop-rate for "Empty Whiskey Bottle"..
  9. Kawllie

    The North is almost empty

    I rather walk around the coast as of now, handing out Can Openers to people so they can stay alive. Where there is need of my help, I'll be there.
  10. Kawllie

    The North is almost empty

    Everyone is laying on the ground unconscious..
  11. Kawllie

    In DayZ there are three types of People

    Used to be a bandit, changed playstyle after a few months trying to clear myself. Took quite a few hours indeed.
  12. Instruments; No. Alcohol; Yes, could keep your character's nerves and pain level down.
  13. Kawllie

    READ What YOU Are Buying

    Seriously, in the last 24 hours I am seeing sooo many people crying about people already crying and complaining that stuff is broken, or that something is missing, or not working properly.
  14. Kawllie

    I am getting a bit annoyed

    Mos1ey, we know that. Stop being such a grumpy cat. :3c
  15. Kawllie

    I am getting a bit annoyed

    See if there is anything wrong with your local files.
  16. Kawllie

    First human interaction.

    Maybe that was a reason why he left, becuase he was scared that you'd be the one turning.
  17. Kawllie

    I am getting a bit annoyed

    Report bugs in other "Bug Report" part of the forum. Have you logged what servers you were on?
  18. Kawllie

    First human interaction.

    Lucky you guys that you didn't stumble upon any great loot while you were at it..
  19. Kawllie

    Place for modding in the SA

    Agreed. You should only be able to play modded versions that make the game -harder-, not -easier-.
  20. Kawllie

    Place for modding in the SA

    Granok, you message me personally when that slow-hard-zombie-server on SA is up. Would love to be a part of that, there can never be enough hard heroes.
  21. Kawllie


    WTB silencer for my axe, that sound is so loud. More scarier than zombies.
  22. Kawllie

    Canned food SA

    Myself, a hardcore Heinz Baked Beans fan. For the release I bought one slab of 'em. Going to see how far I can stretch my cooking imagination.
  23. Kawllie

    A dozen cans but no way to open them

    Sometimes you'd rather die than eat tuna.
  24. Kawllie

    Canned food SA

    Indeed, there is a clear need of increasing the drop of can openers. It does not hurt having one too many laying around, since it is an extremly common item.