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Everything posted by Kawllie

  1. Kawllie

    Have We Paid For Dayz?

    Rocket work with Bohemian now, so we might have payed a little bit.
  2. If you are using steam, put it in the launch options. If you are using DayZCommander you put it on launch options there, same with six launcher. Then just follow my steps, and you should be able to play with min/max graphics.
  3. Have these startup options: "-nosplash -cpuCount=2 -maxmem=512 -world=empty" Also make sure you have AA, PG, and all that turned OFF. Textures and all that @ low/medium. Also make sure the screen resulution and the 3D resulution match. (100%) In the NVIDIA controllpanel make so that you have the "Maximum pre-rendered frames" set to "8".
  4. Kawllie

    Is Arma Worth buying for Day Z

    Only died once to a hack, never saw the hacker though. Tip to avoid hackers: Play on servers with First Person only, and at around 6-11 PM.
  5. Kawllie

    Brand new player, some questions :D

    You chose gender EVERYTIME you die, so don't worry about that. The best and most fun way to get good at DayZ is to not look at the forums for tips. Get your own skillset. Got two tips though: 1. Crawl, zombies only see you if they pretty much trip over you. 2. Find a axe, press enter to pick it up, then go to your inventory and press "remove from toolbelt". This will make the axe your main weapon. Unlimited ammo, silent, and bandits/survivors won't always shoot you on sight.
  6. Kawllie

    Night-time playing without NVG

    I'm colorblind so everything is a porno x)
  7. Kawllie

    Is Arma Worth buying for Day Z

    Buy it. I have played dayz for over 400 hours. It's totally worth it, I'm still going to play the mod aswell when the stand-alone has been realesed.
  8. Kawllie

    Kills vs Bandit Kills

    You have my beans! But still, my clanmate got -0.5M in humanity, so if you kill him you get +250000?
  9. Kawllie

    AS50 TWS still existing?

    But ones a item is removed from the game it's removed from all players inventories? Remember when the AWS was removed from everyone but not removed from the game?
  10. Kawllie

    AS50 TWS still existing?

    And you report that right?
  11. Kawllie


    Okay, that seems about right. Do you know how much humanity u need to get the hero skin? And how much humanity does the diffrent healing methods give?
  12. Kawllie

    Shotguns need some love

    Agree, no zombie killing game is complete without the chance of shooting down tons of zeds with a shotgun.
  13. Kawllie

    A boring afternoon in Stary Sobor...

    I myself always have fraps running when I play, not recording just in case I meet a hacker. Never seen one myself though, and I have played since realese.
  14. Kawllie

    A boring afternoon in Stary Sobor...

    Read it, beans for you. Btw, a DMR does 8'000 damage. A shot WILL make a broken bone and often the person getting shot will pass out. Source: http://i.imgur.com/uyB7D.jpg
  15. Kawllie


    Maybe it just goes up w/e you are doing?
  16. Kawllie


    I belive it keeps going up slow when you have positve digits aswell, atleast if you kill zeds.
  17. Har jobbar ner ifrån 6 negativa siffror till cirka trettontusen negativa. Ska skaffa hero-skin. Har ni olika roller i er platoon, och i så fall vilka? Jag spelar även med ett annat kompisgäng, men det vore roligt att spela med ett annat gäng from time to time. Är det något ni kan acceptera?
  18. Kawllie


    -1,2M on the highest in the platoon, avg maybe -400k.
  19. Just a sidenote as a colorblind person, there is no good reason having Red and Dark Red text. Could you please think of something more suitfull for the people having trouble to tell colors apart? Also i love the pen and paper idea, one of the best ones!
  20. Kawllie

    3rd person problems (Laptop)

    It's considered more "hardcore".
  21. Ingen förstår sig på inventory systemet, haha! Men en fråga till er, hur erfarna är ni? (Vad ligger era humanitys på?)
  22. Kawllie

    Serious player LF Bandit crew

    Maybe use "Bandit Campfire" when you are looking for a bandit crew? =)