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Rokor Fenix

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Everything posted by Rokor Fenix

  1. Rokor Fenix

    You guys are losing your touch.

    Haha. Logic kills another! Bandits. Step your game up. I haven't died to a legit bandit in over a week now! Only hackers and bugs.
  2. Rokor Fenix


    Yeah.. I hate to sound like a jerk, but get a mic. Even a cheap one. Most people won't bother unless you have at least a mic. Best of luck though!
  3. Rokor Fenix

    Looking for 1 or 2 people to help me out and play with

    Be careful with meeting up with people you don't know anything about. Make sure to add them on Skype or a similar program, but even then, there are people looking solely to murder you. Be careful in the world of DayZ mate. There are clans and such if you want a larger group to play with until you get your bearings more. I also suggest playing through the base Arma armory/ training to get a feel for guns and controls. They help a ton with getting started.
  4. Rokor Fenix

    Lucky find Need advice

    Not against players, but a beast for zombies. Aim for headshots. Its a one hit on the head, and about 3-5 on body of zombie. SHit on players though. Try to play on stealthmode/night servers with the Bizon. I'd play defensively until you learn how to properly shoot the DMR as well.
  5. Rokor Fenix

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

  6. Goodluck with it. I don't know of anyone who does, but if I can find someone with one. I will PM ya. Godspeed.
  7. Rokor Fenix

    Threads that are getting old...

    Beans. All of dem.
  8. Rokor Fenix

    how about this

    I prefer bugs being fixed to new content.
  9. Rokor Fenix

    Your first time being a bandit.

    This fucker ran right in front of me. I had an enfield. I got a full kit in less then two seconds. And people complain about not being able to find NVG's.
  10. DMR with a backup M4A3 CCO. My favorite combo to be honest. The DMR is good for longrange, the easiest sniper for me to use. The M4A3 is just a good gun all around.
  11. Rokor Fenix

    No one goes up north anymore..

    Currently sniping NWAF as well. Just hop servers if your looking for PvP.
  12. Rokor Fenix

    Trading Rangefinders for M9SD NO ammo needed

    This seems unbalanced for you. If I had seen this a few hours ago, I would have traded.
  13. Rokor Fenix

    Teleported to coast when joining server?

    If you disconnect on the loading screen and then retry, it spawns you on the coast.
  14. Rokor Fenix

    The Standing Dead

    I have seen videos of this. I have to say. This would scare me shitless as well.
  15. Rokor Fenix

    My truck is gone!

    Sorry bout that. It could have despawned, not have saved etc. I suggest not using vehicles much honestly.
  16. Rokor Fenix

    Obligatory Desktop Thread

    I just have this: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/24500000/Rainbow-Dash-Wallpapers-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-24559390-1600-1200.jpg
  17. Rokor Fenix

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    If contact can be avoided. Avoid it.
  18. Rokor Fenix

    switching weapons problem?

    Use your scroll wheel. Or the default key is ; for doing it.
  19. Rokor Fenix

    Afraid to die - are you?

    First rule of DayZ. 1. Never become attached to those NVGs, GPS, Rangefinders or that shiny new L85. Someone WILL find you. And they WILL kill you.
  20. Rokor Fenix

    SIX Updater or Play with six?

    I personally manually install. I had problems with a patch, and for some odd reason when I used 6updater, it fucked all my shit up. So I got it all working(jerryrigged is more like it) to be manual install.
  21. Rokor Fenix

    How you play - Social experiment questions

    How long you have been playing? About 2 and a half months How often do you play? Maybe 3-4 times a week. Why you have chosen that lifestyle? I assume you mean the way I play. I play by myself or with one friend, and we play very carefully and avoid contact. What drives you to play like that? The game doesn't seem to like to register my shots for some odd reason. A normal session in DayZ for you? Running. Has this game affected aspects of your real life? Not really. What made you choose DayZ? I saw someone on youtube playing it, it looked good and I got it. Why you play DayZ? Bored, and because it is fun. How you feel the team has done with the game? Could be better. Could be way worse. The impact of Hackers/ scripters? I don't think I have ever run into any. Will you be buying the stand a lone game? Perhaps.
  22. This meetup is canceled indefinitely.