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Everything posted by Escargot

  1. Escargot

    Please remove "L85A2 AWS"

    +1 Leave the gun in, take the scope out. Give it Holo or Acog instead. I'd like more variety in the weapons I carry, at the moment I have to have the L85 because of how ridiculous it is. I'd much rather carry a more fun or silenced weap instead. Getting in a firefight is fun but getting shot by someone / team who had this gun and therefore rendered your cleverly hidden position and camouflage completely useless is less so. There is an interesting balance (of sorts) to the guns in the game but this one is just out of whack.
  2. Escargot

    [VIDEO] Close Quarters Cherno PvP | Bizon PP-19 SD

    I liked the video, and I love the bizon! It's all im destined to find at heli crashes and I now have about 7 mags.
  3. Escargot

    Pending Update: Build

    i would guess that this is the case. if your client is responsible for maintaining your existence, what does the arma server do when it stops recieving updates? does your avatar stay in one spot? are hits registered client-side?
  4. Escargot

    3 Weeks of hard work, finally paid off for my squad

    I've had 3 guillie suits from a tent, and it's a crap picture but that looks to me like, (starting from the left) AS50, AS50, L85AWS, M14AIM, AS50, AS50
  5. Escargot

    Working FPS boost !

    It should be PPAA=1 instead of FXAA=1 as they do the same thing, but PPAA is the new setting and FXAA is the old one. You definitely should get an FPS boot from disabling ingame AA and switching on FXAA. It's a full screen post process blur type effect that gives AA but with almost no processing cost. If you want it better looking use SMAA instead (PPAA=3)
  6. I respawn with the same name, I play the same way again. I think most other people probably do the same, unless you roleplay your survivor differently each time? If Jo bloggs killed me before I sure as shit will shoot him next time I see him. I'm not going to forget it just because I happen to have respawned into a supposedly different survivor. The relationship is between the players, not the characters.
  7. It's kind of a shame that we can't have a situation where you play on a server long enough you will recognise people (and know instantly based on your interactions with them before whether they are friendly or not). The only modifier to behaviour you need is the knowledge that what goes around comes around. If you shoot on sight or snipe noobs then you build a bad reputation with the players on that server. However if you help them you build a good reputation (hey, maybe only 50% of people will shoot you on sight!). To do that, though, you would need to have a seperate database per server and a lot more character customisation / skins. It would stop server-hopping for loot though (and logging out to avoid death - you can just wait them out) "Sorry man, you look exactly like that guy who shot me yesterday!"
  8. Escargot


    nice idea, and simple like all good ideas
  9. So the people who do a bit of each (kill some people and help others) get fuck all? As soon as you reward anyone for doing anything you open the door to them abusing it by repeatedly doing that thing. So if I kill 20 beach boys I get better health regen? 28 and I get a bandit skin?
  10. Escargot

    Where should I go?

    You will find most of the buildings can't be entered but you'll soon get to spot the enterable ones. Find a road, follow it to get to a town and hopefully find a sign with the name of the town on it. From there you can work out where you are. (There are various on-line maps). It also tells you roughly where you are in the corner when you log on. You need a weapon, morphine, food and drink. Ultimately you would want a knife, axe and matches too.
  11. Escargot

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I'm an ArmaX user too, and your options seem to be: a. Roll back to and beta 93965 - and connect to servers running this version b. Install latest beta and - and connect to servers running that version The above worked for me and came from a post which I can't find. Shame as I wanted to thank the guy!
  12. Escargot

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Or.. 10 seconds if you haven't taken damage in the last 30 secs and 20-30 seconds if you have. Start a timer when you take damage and if you attempt to log while the timer is active it adds another 10 secs to your logout time.
  13. Escargot

    Deny saving tents/vehicles outside of map.

    +1 agreed, off-map vehicle hoarding is cheesy.
  14. Escargot

    How to find a Vehicle?

    why add more? just stop vehicles saving off-map. Then the people who set up camps have to be a bit more clever where they put them and the vehicle hunters have a chance to find them.
  15. Escargot

    10 Reasons To Avoid Cherno/Elektro!

    "Vehicles out in the countryside are readily available" hmmmm :P Seriously though when you've just spawned and you have nothing you run into the meat grinder towns you either a) get a weap and a decent set of stuff or b) die. It's the wild west baby ;) If you die.. then you probably haven't lost much. Personally I like to run in and grab what I can then head north. I find Balota airfield and the 4 deerstand camp just south of it to be a bit more dangerous but also sometimes more rewarding as far as guns go.