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About EndEffeKt

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  1. Try to leave the coastal areas and you will find more loot. I personally would press my luck with some farmhouses according to the new loot tables. After my former secret-hint "cars" has fallen off the loot tables for now.
  2. Its all due to two missing features. Stamina and that insanely high amonth of ressources sprinting drained in the mod. It just feels freaking bad if you overlook a place and see roadrunner-bambies vanishing in the distance :D Normal travelspeed has to be jogging or even walking again. That will make the map feel much bigger, will add a need for vehicles and makes it all in all more authentic. At the moment you cannot only travel more distance/time with sprinting. I think you can also travel more distance/1000 water, which has to be changed. Later on walking needs to be the most efficient way of travel, while jogging, running and sprinting need to drain expotentially more ressources. So you can decide to jog through the land, because you dont want to waste too much time by walking, but at the same time dont have that much ressources to support running over bigger distances.
  3. EndEffeKt

    Where is the crossbow?

    Even in the mod I really liked using the crossbow and with a bit of practice got good results...although it freaked me out more than one time. But I think with the possibilities of the sa they will tweak it to a usefull survival weapon. I would be satisfied if you get a good ironsight/scope and an effective range of like 30m to dispatch zeds before they break your bones.
  4. I personally dont see this as broken. For me its clearly better than the infinite loot of the mod. If you go to the most crowded areas dont expect tons of loot there.
  5. EndEffeKt

    Your Friendly Encounters

    I met a guy inside the police-station/office-building in Berenzino. I heard him walking in the upper floor, so I got up with my M4 raised and told him to freeze. He imideatly raised his hands and we had a little talk. He had a Mosin without ammo, so we traded my m4 for his Mosin, because I got ammo for both. Then we parted ways although we now were both armed with loaded weapons. In the same session I met another guy inside the ship-wreck. Again I had my weapon out, when he just had a flash light. He was pleasently calm and helped me out with some light to find the way back off the boat....because I lost my flashlight. Was nice.
  6. EndEffeKt

    dayz surpassed in population

    DotA is crazy ;-)
  7. EndEffeKt

    Thinking of being helpful? Don't...

    I traded weapons with a random guy yesterday. He had a Mosin without amunition and I traded it in for my fully loaded m4. And we both survived and parted ways. This restored my personal believe in the player base :)
  8. EndEffeKt

    Best Character Contest.

    Yes thats the problem, I would prefer it, if we would get some good civil clothes in the game too. I honestly dont want my char to look like a soldie, but at the same time i want them pockets :-/
  9. EndEffeKt

    Quest for Map

    People that dont want to use third party software? EDIT: Not everything is spawning or has to spawn at military bases. Look inside cars and gas stations, I can only point that out.
  10. EndEffeKt

    How do I find weapons?

    Cars are my best and safest bet by now. There is a high number of lootable cars arround the appartement-complexes near cherno and in Stary Sobor is a parking space with a good bunch of them. Always found a Mosin in the blue ones very quickly. And I found quite a bunch of Mosins and even FNX Mags in construction sites. (Cherno and Berenzino)
  11. EndEffeKt

    Finding guns!?!?!

    On the seats of the blue cars. And I found amunition and weapons inside of police cars.
  12. EndEffeKt

    I used to be nice, now I just KOS

    Hmm if I manage to get my pc working again I have to test something: Hand out a .45 with one damn shot to newbies at the coast. Just to see how many are lame and stupid enough to try shooting me with it as soon as i turn arround.
  13. EndEffeKt

    I feel bad killing this guy/Is my kill justified?

    I personally would not have killed him. Simply because I am a good guy. In general I dont blame you for it. NWAF is a rough area and beeing friendly there is mostly a deathwish.
  14. EndEffeKt

    New DayZ Update -

    I would also add an animation to players in the logout-process. Like the character is lying down with his backpack as a pillow or something similar, so that it is obvious to someone spotting you, that you are about to log out. So every robber or similar player can easily identify that his prey or whoever is currently NOT logging out, but maybe just has no mic. Log out timers will greatly reduce stupid KoS in my opinion, because most of the time people do it, because its easy to hit alt+f4 if they miss or because they dont want to rob or hold up people that log out in an instant. A logout timer coupled with a recognisable animation will make sure that people only log out when they are safe somewhere and want to end their game session. And on the other hand will make sure that fewer "innocent" survivors are shot, because bandits are afraid that they combat-log.
  15. Perfect, so I do not only need to find a scope, I would even need to consider if I want to sacrifice the ability of speedloading with a clip for the benefits of a scope. Sounds like the ideal feature to me :)