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About MuzzleRat

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    On the Coast
  1. I use the patch, Direct VoN works fine with other people using the patch, even on non-beta patched servers - Or at least it did last night on EU5.
  2. MuzzleRat

    Long term survival is pointless

    I'm a lone wolf myself, but happily join up for temporary teaming when the situation calls for it. I've yet to pull the trigger on a survivor myself, but I've been killed by more survivors than bandits to date. A couple of recent situations though: Heading north from the coast, I'm hear frantic running behind me. I turn around to see a survivor running toward me with around 20 to 30 zeds chasing. He stops, looks at me. I look at him, holding my crossbow, tell him I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do (I don't have enough ammo on my secondary, let alone the crossbow), turn and run into the forest. Later, I come across a small shack with a flare outside, and all the zeds mulling about. There's only one corpse. Poor sod. NOW there was something I could do about it; I had a frag grenade I'd been saving for a special occasion. Lobbed that into the shack, and walked away. I didn't check his corpse, left him in peace. Later that day I'm in Zelenogorsk, still trying to find ammo for my secondary, but now down to one bolt on my crossbow. A run of questionable luck has left me with good supplies, but no weapons, so I'm trying to be cautious. I'm in the supermarket and I see another survivor running toward the shop, again, with a good 15-20 zeds trailing. I can't help, but I make my presence known by standing at the window shouting "Survivor being chased by zeds running to the shop, I'm a friendly! Do not fire!". He keeps running. He enters the shop. He doesn't even hesitate; he turns the .45 on me and guns me down where I stand with my weapon lowered in mid salute. Contrast that to the other day when I'm at Stary, watching from the hill and see a survivor scouting about the mil tents. He picks up a zed and the horde soon follow. I watch for another 5 minutes as he picks up more and more. I lose sight, then the next moment he and the zeds burs out the bush next to me. I open up with my MP5A and start gunning down the zeds. The survivor hesitates, looking at me, trying to figure out if I'm hostile or not; then runs next up next to me as he realises the zeds are dropping and he isn't. We get most of them but I've by now run out of ammo on both weapons, kill count is now at 46 or so and they're still coming. We make a mad, semi-strategic dash down to the camp, trying to find guns and ammo. We succeed, and gun the rest down. In the moments that follow I try to communicate, but he doesn't reply, probably can't understand, but we've formed a temporary alliance. We both go about checking the individual tents, watching eachothers back, then the worst happens. The zeds respawn. He picks up another and panics; I'm bunkered in a tent. He runs, zeds follow. Zeds glitch through the tent, run over me, break my legs. THAT'S when they notice me. I unload what remaining ammo I have, but it's a pointless gesture, I'm swarmed. Encounters, I've found, are 50/50, better to slip away when you can.
  3. Actually on that last note by Astuneta; this was something I was thinking of the other day. Having not only the runners, but shamblers, so that whilst you might "think" you've outrun or dealt with the horde, linger somewhere long enough and a lone walker or two that got left behind but continued to stalk you might catch up. Further, if you logged, said ramblers would be left dotting the countryside in random numbers. Possible?
  4. Random comment to the dev in the dev notes, Rocket, I presume that's you - Happy Birthday, great work, better alpha build than most beta's i've played over the last couple of decades, keep up the great work and most of all, thank you for the mod to end mods!
  5. MuzzleRat

    Looking for UK survivors.

    MuzzleRat, 33 years old here. Usually lurking about on EU5. I'm looking into doing a community type thing with a few friends myself, and also looking into renting a server.
  6. MuzzleRat

    Introduce yourselves

    MuzzleRat checking in, friendly, usually heard lurking about on EU5 evenings and weekends GMT. -MuzzleRat