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About Zargon913

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Zargon913

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I hope when the mod is all done and some point after release it does have additional features and ways to play the mod. There is no fee for the mod other than paying for arma and operation arrowhead. Its a mod in testing, and the developers have set these rules to maximize the data they get out of testing. Many companies developing games keep their testing behind closed doors and have closed betas for a reason. The creators of this mod weren't working for anyone and didn't have the resources needed to test it, so they opened it to the public. I do agree with this: "If you don't like the rules, don't play the mod." You didn't pay for the mod, so what are you complaining for? I'm not defending anyone here, I'm simply trying to "keep it real" as it were. The devs could have just as easily selected a handful of people and made them their testers, and none of us would have had the opportunity to play this game for quite some time. Just be grateful we've been permitted to do so.
  2. Zargon913

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I do agree a lot with the idea of private/local servers post release. I'm sure there are a lot of people that would love to be able to get a group together and explore the world without other players. I've been in a many pvp fight and it really is exhilarating with the knowledge that if you get killed, not only do you lose all your stuff, but that @$$hole gets to take it as well (and beleive me, I've been the dead guy plenty of times XD), or you're out by yourself, you're checking out a town, and all of a sudden your hear gunshots. It really adds a layer to the game that you can't get A.I. or without other players. Making a private server with a local database is essentially giving the game a much different experience (basically PvE vs. PvP), and I do whole-heartedly feel that a character from one environment should not interact with the other, as noted above and in many other posts, you get all this awesome gear with no threat of other players killing you, then head into a PvP server and start romping people. If it's a public server, it's pvp and you get an experience like no other, but I am fond of the idea of getting together with my friends and just having a go at the game with just our group in our own little world, trying to accomplish some goals we've set for ourselves. The game has plenty of objectives in and of itself, and it is a pretty nifty idea of being the "Omega man/men." I think that giving players the option of PvE vs. PvP would attract even more players. While taking the bandit aspect out of the game may ruin it for some, it may be just the thing other players are looking for. As of now, you've got thousands upon thousands of people testing this game, which is giving the developers an invaluable amount of data that they need to ensure this mod is working as well as it can come the release . I'm glad I found out about this project and am proud to be among the many testing it out.
  3. Having the same issue. Tried it 2 more times to make sure it wasn't a random incident. It happens every time. Food and drink are in the red. Can't play until it's fixed. Happened yesterday (don't remember what time), then again today around 5 pm GMT. Same version A few Seattle servers (tried it on different servers to verify it wasn't just a server issue) Intel i7 2630 QM @ 2.0 ghz, 6 GB Ram, GeForce 460M @ 1.5 GB Logged in, checked town for any scraps of loot. Headed north into forest. Food and drink was low, so ate and drank. Logged out for a few minutes while using restroom, logged back in to see food and drink had reset to red. Headed further north, did some more exploring and refilled canteen, ate and drank again. Logged out to run some errands. Came back approx hour and a half later, logged in, food and drink had reset to red again. -_-