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SanMan (DayZ)

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About SanMan (DayZ)

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  1. SanMan (DayZ)

    Found a ghosters den on my server.

    Not coming back up or what?
  2. SanMan (DayZ)

    Found a ghosters den on my server.

    server still down... any update?
  3. SanMan (DayZ)

    Found a ghosters den on my server.

    is it coming back at all?
  4. SanMan (DayZ)

    Found a ghosters den on my server.

    What happened to your server? Been looking for it for the past two days, but it's been listed as down. Will it be up soon?
  5. SanMan (DayZ)

    Is this game dying?

    In regards to the artifact problem... simply go to the areas where you get the artifacts (assuming in cherno, bolota air field, stary sobor, etc...) and go through your graphic settings one at a time. Artifacts went away for me when I turned off anti-aliasing.
  6. SanMan (DayZ)

    Is this game dying?

    Yeah, aggressively yelling "HALT" at someone running blind in the night is a grand way to determine if someone is "reasonable." "When told to HALT you fucking halt...when told to drop your gun you fucking drop it" Real friendly tone and demeanor you have there, I'm sure you find "reasonable" people in droves. So this "social aspect" youre interested in, are you just referring to ordering people to do whatever you tell them, and if they dont, you kill them?
  7. SanMan (DayZ)

    Found a ghosters den on my server.

    That's simply the name of the server and has nothing to do with the actual settings. Server owner could put anything in there. My point was, when I look the server up through the in game filter system, in the info at the bottom it shows it as recruit.
  8. SanMan (DayZ)

    Found a ghosters den on my server.

    just fyi, your server shows up as a Recruit server in the filter
  9. SanMan (DayZ)

    are parachutes bugged\broken

    happened to my buddy today when bailed out.. tried twice, once in autohover. death soon as he jumped out.
  10. SanMan (DayZ)

    Found AS50TWS take it or leave it?

    and theyll be back after server restarts...
  11. SanMan (DayZ)

    Hackers, hackers, and more hackers

    Was this on US 252? Happened to me tonight on that server. My mates and I first noticed all of our gear had got swapped to different stuff, and we all had the same stuff... A couple minutes later we were transported with everyone to the airfield and it looked like some death match script or something was run. We were able to alt f4 out before we got killed. Fortunately when we came back into a different server our gear had been restored, but we were still at the air field, instead of our previous location in the south.
  12. SanMan (DayZ)

    Car lights

  13. SanMan (DayZ)

    Clips of Ammo Disappearing.

    Noticed this also... Definitely not a good fix when you lose an entire magazine of ammo, minus one bullet. It's hard enough to find ammo for some of the better weapons already. This happened to me with DMR mags. Lost three mags until I figured it out. I suppose the only option is to use an entire magazine before logging so as not to lose ammo?
  14. SanMan (DayZ)

    Car lights
