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TigerEye (DayZ)

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About TigerEye (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. TigerEye (DayZ)

    What, do I smell or something?

    Try hunting with an unsilenced weapon and see if anyone finds you. I've been shot while gutting a goat and I've found players who have shot animals as well (didn't kill them though just let them run on by).
  2. TigerEye (DayZ)

    What, do I smell or something?

    225 square kilometers and only 50 players. That means if there is only one player in each square kilometer you have a 1 in 4.5 chance of being in that square if there are actually 50 players. However, just because you are in the same square doesn't mean you can see them. I rarely see players myself. Part of it is taking the time to sit and wait and watch for players. Usually I am traveling and exploring and I'm not always looking side to side and behind me to see what's going on. The more crowded the server the more I do that but it's still easy to miss something.
  3. TigerEye (DayZ)

    Two cheaters on Norway 2

    Not that they'll do anything but you need the time, timezone, any screen shots and all the player names on the server. Still they won't do anything but they can't do anything with the info you've provided. They don't even post here to give the illusion that they are doing something.
  4. TigerEye (DayZ)

    AS50 TWS for EVERYONE!

    And now YOU have a AS50 TWS!
  5. TigerEye (DayZ)


    Nothing will happen.
  6. TigerEye (DayZ)

    Hacker on US 1224

    It's 1:00 am EST, and my friend was killed by a guy who spawned next to him. At first he talked to the guy and said he was friendly but then the guy shot him. By the time he was done telling me about it a guy spawned in next to me with a kind of yell "aahh!" and then he started talking to me in direct chat singing the song "Eye of the Tiger". This could only be a hacker. This guy had camo clothing and a helmet on. He knew my name even though tags aren't enabled and obviously he spawned right next to me. Since my friend said he was invincible I combat logged before anything happened. As I write this my friend is talking to him. He respawned and the guy teleported next to him. There are about 12 people on there now. [LR] Brian--is my fried--KIA repeatedly Brelando--KIA OP CGKkap-KIA Bubbadubz Hyperionforge Papasmurf--in the Lobby Pimp C. McBig Dick Ryukago S--KIA Santini Swinder TRBO I figure that it's probably not one of the KIA's. Probably not the guy in the lobby but I don't really know how hacks work. Anyway it's probably useless to write anything about this. As I understand it you are impotent to do anything about it. But whatever.
  7. TigerEye (DayZ)

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    First come first serve. If your clan members were hard core they'd already be on the game instead of waiting for someone to leave.
  8. TigerEye (DayZ)

    AS50 TWS for EVERYONE!

    * Server this happened on.--NL 17 * Time that it happened including your timezone. About 4:30 AM EST * What happened during the incident.-- When I logged into the game I had a AS50 TWS in my hand. Further inspection of my inventory revealed a 1911 as secondary weapon and an empty Coyote pack. I also had a Range Finder. After notifying my friends they told me I would have spawned with a ghillie suit and night vision but I already had those. Further inspection of my surrounding revealed my original pack on the ground under me. It contained the original contents from previous play. However my M4SD was gone as well as my M9SD, Grenades, and other items. Since it seems a screenshot of names isn't proof I guess there is nothing else I can do about it. I'm not giving up the AS50 TWS. If everyone is getting them then discarding it would put me at a severe disadvantage.
  9. TigerEye (DayZ)

    AS-50 TWS on Server DE 693

    Possessing those weapons is not a bannable offense. You should only ban them for spawning those weapons into the game. If they kill someone and take those weapons then that is fair play and they come by those weapons honestly. If you ban people for possessing those weapons then you have to ban yourself since you possess a AS50 TWS. I was just on NL 17 and when I spawned into the game I had a AS50 TWS in my inventory and my coyote pack was empty. When I got up and looked around my other pack was on the ground and contained my actual AS50 but my M4sd that was in my inventory was gone. I'd rather have my M4sd back and if I hadn't found my pack I would be without a main weapon and only have a 1911 (my M9sd was gone as well). By your logic I should be banned after suffering a hacker attack.
  10. TigerEye (DayZ)

    Can you repair bicycles?

    I saved the bike and came back in the morning after the server restart. It was standing up in the road where it was left and I got on and took it away into the woods. I guess whoever wrecked it made it unusable for a time but the server fixed it.
  11. TigerEye (DayZ)

    L85 AWS and G36c SD (Camo)

    There are two ways to get this gun. 1. You hack and spawn the gun into the game. This is bannable offense if caught. 2. You kill the guy who hacked the gun into the game. This is not a bannable offense. You can possess the gun. You just can't spawn it into the game. If they banned everyone with the gun then they would ban people who came by it honestly.
  12. TigerEye (DayZ)

    Can you repair bicycles?

    I'm having a similar problem right now. My friend got hit by a car and when he tried to get back on the bike it wouldn't let him. All it says is "save old bicycle". I've got a tire and scrap metal in my inventory and it gives me an option to repair those parts but both parts show green on the list. I can't figure out how to board the bicycle. I've saved it. Will a server restart fix things or is there something magical I can do? I love the bicycle. I think it is the best vehicle in the game.
  13. I've noticed that if I put something in my inventory and I log out just after that my item will be gone when I log back in later (or right away). I've tried to get in the habit of waiting a minute or two to log if I've pulled something from my tent and want to move to another server to play with friends. I'm not really sure how long I should wait though. Does anyone have any idea of when it is safe to disconnect? I'm going to be doing some trading soon and I'd like to disconnect as soon as the trade is over but I don't want to lose my trade either.
  14. TigerEye (DayZ)

    The silent but strongest weapon?

    The hatchet is the quietest and strongest. Usually one hit. Second is the M4SD with CCO. Good optics make for easier head shots than Bizon. Mags are easier to find and the muzzle flash is less. 1 to head 2 to body after last patch. Bizon is next. 3 or 4 to body (not sure after last patch), 1 to head. It lights up the night especially if you use NVG. Not a good weapon to use at night because of the muzzle flash. It not only reveals position but can blind you if you go full auto. M9sd--best handgun right now IMHO. Secondary weapon, 1 to head, 3 to body--same as bizon. Mags easy to find, and can use a more powerful primary weapon if you want to go loud.
  15. TigerEye (DayZ)

    US 834 Chicago God Mode Cheater

    I had a similar thing happen yesterday (July 30) in Vybor on NL 22 about 2pm EST. I was leaving a brick house, I was crouched and walking slowly, I swept left and saw a guy crouch down and I unloaded a clip from an M4CCO. He was only about 5 meters away so I should have hit him but instead he shot once and I was dead. I had fired at least 20 rounds before he fired.