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About Abruz

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. M14. The maneuverability and accuracy/range of any mid-range rifle with the stopping power of a 7.62x51mm round. It drops people hard, often with only one shot and then they're done for.
  2. As it stands now, yes, remove it please!
  3. To pick up a hatchet you can look at it, scroll and put "Take Hatchet" - from there it'll be in your toolbelt when you check your gear. To equip it, press G (to open your gear) and right click the axe, then you just click "remove from tool-belt" and it'll use your primary weapon slot. You may have to press R to "reload" it before use. As for the crowbar, you pick it up and it has to be your primary weapon.
  4. Nice to see servers reaching out to the community but I have to say, the whole "items for donation" thing you have going on seems a little sketchy.
  5. Abruz

    Random lag spikes?

    Yes. I've experienced this quite a bit. I'm not sure why - would appreciate any feedback if people find a fix.
  6. I was hyped about finding one and after actually getting one.. I wasn't really that impressed. The novelty wears off quickly and I'd happily swap it for an AS50 or an M107 given the chance.
  7. They're not full skins. It's only headgear for bandits and the flannel shirt for survivors. They don't show on things like Ghillies.
  8. You're going to notice a huge improvement when switching from integrated to a discrete graphics card. Just shop around and, depending on your preference of ATI/nVidia, a card from around $150-$250 should be plenty for current gaming but an even more expensive card would obviously be better. As stated before, a 500w PSU may limit your choice so be sure to check the power consumption of these new cards and decide whether or not you should be investing in a new power supply too.
  9. I'm surprised you didn't include NW Airfield as one of the "PvP" zones. It's one of the most contested areas due to airfield and barracks loot!
  10. Abruz


    Wasn't too hard to find more pictures from that "series" in the first post: http://thaasian.deviantart.com/gallery/38100881
  11. Abruz

    full whiskey bottles?

    It doesn't actually make you warm though.
  12. Oh, I wasn't aware of that. I was mainly checking NW airfield, NE airfield, Rog, Cherno, etc.
  13. I found the Ural with that stuff too. I found the UAZ at Altar.
  14. The FAL, AS50 and L85 are all legitimate, you might've stolen someone's loot truck hahaha. And yeah Falcrist, I noticed loot spawning in an ATV and I was like.. huh. Then I checked another ATV and it had the same loot.
  15. Howdy. We recently got our hands on a new server and we find it bizarre that we've found absolutely no Hueys spawning at any location. Someone mentioned to me that you need a certain Hive update(?) for them to spawn correctly, I'm not too sure.