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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Hopefully you're already a nice person and you don't need your personality manipulated :P
  2. Sounds more like something to be organized in general discussion rather than suggestions. But, it does sound really cool and if one was organized I'd give it a go.
  3. Well, maybe not everyone, but I'm pretty sure there'd be a good bunch of people with the mindset of "The world's going to hell might as well have one last orgy before I go!" Not sure there'd be much singing though.
  4. Those are not allowed by the rules for server owners.
  5. All of them are PvP servers
  6. All I see is the you were killed by xyz Which wasn't the entirety of his issues. And is also entirely ridiculous, and destroys the concept of permadeath
  7. The way it is now is fine, it allows people a choice. For those who want only 1st person, they can go to a 1st person server. Those who don't, can go to one with it enabled. So there's no reason for your "either-or" scenario.
  8. Marten didn't insult you and you called him an idiot.
  9. Just because I don't have a moral code on the internet doesn't mean I don't have one in life. Now listen closely, because I'm going to say something important here. THIS IS A VIDEO GAME I play games to escape from the moral code and legal ramifications of my real life. I'm a bandit in DayZ, so what? Does this mean that in an actual apocalypse I'm going to be running around with an As50 shooting people in cities for lulz? OF COURSE NOT! Behavior in a game =/= behavior in real life. Stealing cars and running over prostitutes in Grand Theft Auto doesn't make me a criminal, and being a bandit in DayZ isn't going to make me a mass murderer in an apocalypse.
  10. Well, it's the best you're gonna get, because Rocket has said time and time again that he refuses to institute game mechanics that punishes bandits or survivors. Any kind of punishment is going to have to come from the players, not from the game.
  11. Well, unless they changed this in one of the more recent updates there are servers with player tags enabled. It's kind of like catching a glimpse of someone's face before they shoot you.
  12. Good, then go to your 1st person only server and stay there. Nothing is stopping you. You don't have to interact with people who have 3rd person, and you don't have to complain. The only reason you would want to remove 3rd person view is because you enjoy making the game less fun for other people.
  13. Reading playZ's comments later on in this thread I'm not sure if he was ever serious or this is all one huge troll. But, to my statement. YOU CAN ALREADY DO THIS !!!!!!!!! If you can manage to catch the name of your killer before you die, you know what you can do? Hop on down to the Survivor HQ subforum (I can send you a link if you want) and post a thread or something talking about how this guy is a bandit. Hell, there's probably already 50 million databases in there! There's no reason to take time from fixing actual problems in the game to do something that can already be done. So you can stop bad-mouthing these other forum-members and (rather hypocritcally) calling them idiots, because your suggestion is already done.
  14. I wouldn't call disagreeing with your idea and then stating the reasons why we disagree with it 'whining.' You wanted discussion, we're giving it to you. If you don't like our opinions, too bad.
  15. Well, if they know about your operation before you've begun, you're doing it wrong. Also, when you don't tell us exactly how the player has to wait out those 2 minutes, we're going to have to guess, so don't harp on us if we guess wrong about your 'simple idea.'
  16. This isn't supposed to be a game, you know that, right? Pretty sure Rocket said himself (not gonna bother finding a link) that this is supposed to be an anti-game. It's not supposed to be fair or balanced, it's supposed to make you want to rage quit.
  17. Last I checked the zombies are living people infected with a virus.
  18. BIS made a statement somewhere about how they put in 3rd person because it allowed for situational awareness. Your vision isn't restricted to what you see in front of you in real life, and the only way BIS could give you the same situational awareness that 3rd person gives you. I prefer to know what's going on around me, so I use 3rd person. Others may prefer 1st person, and that's their choice. Don't take mine away from me.
  19. Yeah, all they need to do. I doubt it's that simple.
  20. I'd rather if they fix the major problems in DayZ before adding in more weaponry. Also, I'd prefer they add more eastern bloc weapons too.
  21. So do we just go visit our local Friendliness Store in Cherno and show off how friendly we've been and they give us stuff? No thank you.
  22. I'm all for reducing the number of military weapons all together. But if we're on the topic of adding weapons, I'd prefer to see a lot more of the Russian weapons already in game than some British weapon. For realism's sake :P
  23. The zombies aren't actually dead. They're alive, but infected with a virus or something. That's what I've heard anyways.