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Everything posted by urspider2018@gmail.com

  1. urspider2018@gmail.com

    Is Camo Clothing still bugged?

    I don't think so.
  2. urspider2018@gmail.com

    Spawn Roles

    While I don't like the idea of having weapons on spawn, I do like the idea of having the chance to spawn with a random civ skin or something. Or at least have clothing be a lot more readily available.
  3. urspider2018@gmail.com

    Remove Please

    Lets wait for it to come out of alpha first, shall we?
  4. urspider2018@gmail.com

    DayZ 'Spectator Crow' (SORRY GUYS IT IS ARMA 2, MY BAD)

    You can spawn as a crow in DayZ if there's a glitch or something, that bit is true. However, this video is fake
  5. urspider2018@gmail.com


    Just because you know how to gut an animal, return a helicopter to working order, replace a car engine, change tires, eat a can of beans without a can opener, set up a tent, snipe, bandage yourself, administer morphine and epinephrine, and chop down trees, does not mean you know everything. I mean, applying a blood bag by yourself is hard.
  6. urspider2018@gmail.com

    This game ...

    There's more to Arma 2 than just DayZ anyways. I'd suggest buying the game and playing something else on it, like Vanilla Arma, or ACE, or one of those Life RPG servers. Don't decide not to buy the game just because you don't like DayZ
  7. urspider2018@gmail.com

    How to make DayZ players more compassionate. (A fool-proof plan)

    Yes, but Yes, but, with science . . . we can curb this nature, bring it under control. We can end banditry. forever.
  8. urspider2018@gmail.com

    How to Encourage PvP (in a healthy way)

    I like the map as is. Limiting areas or pre-designating anything more than you have to is a direction I don't think Rocket wants the game to go to. I'll use a France-related image too.
  9. urspider2018@gmail.com

    "Infected" noises.

    I always figured it was more of a Russian accent, seeing as . . . you know . . . Russia
  10. urspider2018@gmail.com

    "Infected" noises.

    That's a default Arma sound file for an injured character. I always lul when I hear it..
  11. urspider2018@gmail.com

    "Infected" noises.

    They already do that crazy WAVE YO HANDS IN DA AIR! thing. Some more human actions would be sweet though.
  12. "Because it makes it harder to snipe" is not a valid reason for allowing .50 cal rifles to have only 1 round per mag. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of snipers and the like, but I would prefer a better 'solution' than this.
  13. I made a topic about this not too long ago, I think it's on the 2nd page atm.
  14. Pretty sure that supermarkets, military locations, Cherno, Elektro, and Berezino are more than enough places for medical supplies. Also, there's nothing stopping you from shooting the bandits.
  15. urspider2018@gmail.com

    lamppost in Dayz.

    Maybe they're oil lamps!
  16. urspider2018@gmail.com

    Possible Player Skin Additions - Already in Arma2: CO

    I would love to be able to find the warlord skin, absolutely.
  17. urspider2018@gmail.com

    Turning Zombie

    It would be fun to be a zombie some times.
  18. urspider2018@gmail.com

    1st Annual(?) Day Z Games!

    One of those private hives could probably do it just as well.
  19. urspider2018@gmail.com

    Revive other places from death.

    Look who's talking ;)
  20. urspider2018@gmail.com

    1st Annual(?) Day Z Games!

    I would suggest messaging a moderator or something first to get this moved to a more appropriate forum section. This isn't really a 'suggestion'
  21. urspider2018@gmail.com

    Full Whiskey Bottle?

    Yes, why should we ever have to endure the effects of alcohol when we're drinking alcohol?
  22. urspider2018@gmail.com

    Full Whiskey Bottle?

    Zombies aren't the only thing that cause infections.
  23. urspider2018@gmail.com

    Full Whiskey Bottle?

    +1, but on a much larger scale. I would love to see an accurate representation of the effects of alcohol to be implemented into the game. Also, molotov cocktails.
  24. urspider2018@gmail.com

    Logic much..

    Relevant. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8591879745880686794
  25. I honestly don't see the problem with broken legs. I prone everywhere anyways.