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About morrIsunzz

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    On the Coast
  1. This isn't a rage thread, more of a son i am disappoint thread. I understand people who disconnect during firefights because in all honesty, it's an unfortunate part of the game at this stage in time. But when the moderators and hosters of a server, in this case [MAD] disconnect after all being shot at least once, heal in another server, then respawn in areas tactically better than ours, on more than one occasion, it's pretty disappointing that they would promote this behaviour as clan members of the server they are a part of. The fight was my mates (4 of us) vs 4 of them, with two of ours taken out early. tl'dr: blacklist / boycott NY84 [MAD], for when clan members on their own server exploit the dc and reconnect bug so often, it's a fucking joke and i really hope one of them comments here to try to talk his way out of being a little bitch