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Mister Motivational

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Everything posted by Mister Motivational

  1. Mister Motivational


    Since eating, drinking, fixing legs and all that other stuff happens so fast I kinda like the fact you gotta stop and rummage through your inventory.
  2. Mister Motivational

    Convert or DIE

    Maybe DayZ needs a one death a day limit for each server. No more mad dashes back to your corpse to get that gear. Might make people appreciate their life from start to finish a bit more.
  3. Mister Motivational

    If you NEED light at night...

    I like playing just as night falls, it's dark enough to make you nearly invisible to zeds but allows you to see plenty well enough. Only gives you about an hour worth of game play though.
  4. Mister Motivational

    10 Suggestions/Ideas [Feel free to elaborate!]

    A log out timer would have gotten me killed by a hacker that ported me and thirty other people to the middle of Cherno. Ended up surrounded by bear traps and gun fire. Trade House just downright circumvents the point of the game.
  5. Mister Motivational

    Convert or DIE

    Each player has the choice to behave the way they see fit. The original post is no different than the multitudes of posts with complaints about KoS, it's an opinion. I'll keep playing friendly.
  6. Mister Motivational

    DayZ Stories

    I find myself smack in the middle of Cherno. Night's falling, every now and again I hear a gunshot. Probably a good time to get a move on. I start sneaking around, finding myself closer to a factory. Whole place is flanked by the ocean to one side. I take my time there finding car parts and not much else, so I figure I ought to move out. Then I see a roof top lit up real good. I decide to have a look. I get near the top and whisper "Friendly". No response. I take a good look around and find nothing. I head back down and continue on. Just as I'm getting to the end of this industrial complex I see fresh lights tossed out. I start slowly making my way toward them. I figure there's got to be someone there who might let me join them. Worst I expect is to be ignored, I'm only carrying an axe after all. A couple gunshots ring out, so I get low. A few minutes later I hear a couple more shots, further away this time. I move in near the light and find a fresh corpse with a bullet in him. Man hadn't been infected. Too bad I didn't get to him in time to lend a hand. Suppose I wasn't going to do much with that axe anyway. I find my way to some tracks and light out of there real quick. I hear a couple more shots back the way I came. Can't help wondering if they got what was coming to them.
  7. Mister Motivational

    No servers of any sort show up

    I have the same problem.
  8. Mister Motivational

    Auditory hallucinations

  9. I would think they should be able to.
  10. Mister Motivational

    Zombies need a big fix. (ragarding run cycle and speed)

    Why is it that the crawlers and the hoppers don't have warping issues? I'd prefer to see all the runners turned into walkers. I understand the argument that they are less lethal that way. Allow them to spawn in any buildings and then those slow walkers you weren't afraid of are suddenly a threat when they're blocking your path out of an already full house.
  11. Perhaps add an interaction option which allows you to subdue and disarm other players. This requires you to gain some level trust or to be very sneaky in order to rob them. Once you've subdued them you have a short amount of time to loot and run off. As for non-lethal weaponry, this could consist of tasers and pepper spray. Tasers of course would knock the person down, render them immobile and incapable of attacking for a short time. While pepper spray only obscures their vision, but makes it easier to manually subdue them.
  12. Mister Motivational

    how bout this for bandits

    I was considering something similar that would affect all players no matter their play style. I think this would encourage more team play but also give solo players a bit more depth in their game experience. Strictly speaking this would be based on the humanity stat and would not turn you bandit if your humanity dropped too low. Your humanity would be a value from 0 to 100 and depending on the actions you take it could not only drop, but the cap could be lowered. As your humanity drops different ailments can effect you such as hearing zombie grunts or gunshots that aren't real or ringing in ears as well as blurred vision or increased breathing noise for short periods. Perhaps even coughing fits could occur as if you were infected but would not be cured by medicine. There could be much more to this, but here's a general concept. Examples: You play solo and avoid all contact with other players. Over time your humanity lowers but your cap remains the same. Using items such as books could raise your humanity and would be reusable but have a cool down to avoid spamming humanity regeneration. You remain in non-aggressive close proximity with other survivors. Your humanity gradually rises, if your cap is below 100 this is the only way to raise it. Firing on a survivor who has you or another survivor in their cross hairs. Your humanity is decreased by half the normal rate for a kill. Your max cap does not decrease. Firing on a survivor who has shot you or another player recently. Your humanity does not drop. Killing survivors with headshots or from long range. Reduces your max humanity.
  13. I like the idea of a whistle command. Allow all players to do it and see how people end up using it. Also instead of causing Zombies to aggro it could cause them to patrol in the direction the whistle was issued from.