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About dexterr7

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. dexterr7

    Starting a group!

    Id like to play the game with a few others....
  2. dexterr7

    SpiderGaming.org - Got Friendly?

    Hey ive recently started playing DayZ and obviously not very good yet, would like a group to learn and play with, have a headset and from uk so should be on similar times... Is anyone on now? What server are you guys in now if your playing?
  3. Hey, I only just started playing yesterday and im still pretty crap but ive played about 2 hours today without dying by basically crawling anywhere near Zombies,, im trying to find others to play with as well.
  4. dexterr7

    Looking for a Recreational Group

    Yeh i agree, it looks a lot better when your not alone and can talk to people... Do you play with other people in a group then? I dont even have a map yet so still have no idea where i am and ive been running for about 20 minutes north and still havnt found anywhere except trees. Do you have skype and a headset?
  5. dexterr7

    Looking for a Recreational Group

    Hey, I'd like a group to go around with because its pretty boring alone, plus I still havnt found a gun just bits of ammo so far... I have a headset as well but dont know how or if i can, talk to people on it... Im new to pc games by the way.