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About syonco

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  1. So.. Yet again we're depending on Modders to finish DayZ. I was really hoping i didn't have to browse through 10+ different versions of the mod trying to figure out which one had what in it (features etc) and finally finding one i'd stick with. The modding community did a fine job, don't get me wrong.. I was just hoping this could be avoided by having a pretty damn awesome feature complete game to begin with! Honestly this title will hurt BI in the long run, no matter how much cash was generated through early access.. Motherfuck this....
  2. What sort of Player are you on DayZ? Your Result: KOS'er 92%You're basically to sum it up, an a--hole. The DayZ community despises you and wishes you to go and play COD or Battlefield. You shoot, hack, swing or punch anyone for no particular reason. You like to sit by the coast and snipe everyone you see. Nice quiz :)
  3. syonco

    Do people still server hop?

    Yep. As the timer is easily circumvented it's extremely effective to hop servers now :)
  4. syonco

    Why aren't there 'fat' characters in DayZ?

    Cuz this ain't america, son.
  5. syonco

    Todays Fix Erased My Character

    Rejoining different servers creates a new toon every time, hive must be down or something.
  6. syonco

    The Anti-Server hopping.

    I was under the impression that most things are handled server-side and not client-side. The logout timer / wait period when joining a new server certainly isn't. I was able to circumvent the timer(s) altogether with a common program used outside of gaming.
  7. syonco

    PVE server, no PVP... right?

    PvE servers, lol.. Peoples are such retards.
  8. syonco

    KOS, because you play too much Simcity

    Believe it or not, the coast i've found to be the most challenging places of them all. It's where peoples go once they're geared up. It's a battlefield, with some collateral damage every now and then.
  9. syonco

    KOS, because you play too much Simcity

    This is the very reason i KoS - the tears on these forums are delicious. Had it not been for the crying i probably wouldn't bother, but it's just too funny. This one german guy wen't completely apeshit over the mic once i shot him.. I loved it! What's even more fun is to snipe fresh spawns.. Must've capped 30 of them by now. You can really feel the rage coming from them as they try to dodge bullets while yelling "FUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUU" http://imgur.com/Z5xrprg <3
  10. syonco

    What is DayZ to you?

    Fresh spawn killing simulator.
  11. As was mentioned previously - practice the art of ALT+F4 when in a sticky situation.
  12. Fuck fuck mothermotherfuckfuck GIEF ALPAHARRAHRRHARHR rite NAOw..... plz?