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Everything posted by Dambaz

  1. FPS loss in village. before new version 0.26. I think because of the introduction of the new buildings
  2. Dambaz

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    when update 1.7.1?
  3. Dambaz

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    when repaired refueling the helicopter?
  4. Dambaz


    have the same problem
  5. Dambaz

    Save Car (red)

    have the same problem
  6. Dambaz

    ATV Bug

    i cant refuel car, not have menu
  7. When FIX? PLS i want fly!!!!
  8. need FIX one week without helicopter impossible to repair the fuel tank fuel follows
  9. UPD when filling the empty helicopter, the fuel is not filled
  10. on our server have the same problem. What to do?