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Everything posted by nicraM

  1. nicraM

    People are horrible.

    I murder anyone I see. In fact, I usually use the enny and hope for unconc state for them with my first shot. And then I hope for zombies in the area. I usually run up and whistle dixie while they get eaten. Right when they are about to die, I kill them. I guess I am a horrible person. What a putz OP is.
  2. nicraM

    So.. bear traps eh?

    It's a tarp!
  3. Thank you. I only do it when I get into this mode. I barely ever say bro in real life.
  4. nicraM

    This is getting old!!!!

    Sorry, all outta fucks to give, OP.
  5. nicraM

    DCing to avoid players

    If you DC during a PVP encounter, even if the person hasn't shot at you nor spotted you, you are a chump.
  6. Huge fps drop after 20 mins of playing.
  7. Yeah, same here. Im getting horrible FPS No food Horrible loading times The zombies also still aggro in a ridiculous manner. Harder to lose now? To give an example before I was getting 50 fps outside. Now, I get 17. =/
  8. nicraM

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    legit arguments but the way you present your case - with an aggressive and arrogant tone - makes one believe you are... yep.. exactly.. on of those "40 year olds still living with 'ma that think they're zombie apoc pros and the only ones entitled to an opinion regarding this mod" . that's humor right there Hoss :) shut up.
  9. nicraM

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    The term CoD kid or Kiddie is coined because these people exist. I guess you guise haven't been around for the last 7 or so years, but games pretty much suck dick now. Thanks CoD and CoD kiddies. Nevertheless, this thread is not about that. I just made mention and you guise are egging it on. You still have not made any valid arguments why the whole should be punished for the few. I would think a lock on the game for 12 hours would be a nice compromise if you were to log out during a firefight, yes? How hard would it be to have the central database lock the ID for 12 hours or so?
  10. nicraM

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    You don't get it. We are all being punished cause of what some assholes did (the meta-exploiters) But, this shouldn't be. Why am I gonna get punished and my char made vulnerable because of that? I don't even blame the people doing it. I blame the people that complain, because they are the ones that made this happen. Also, by doing this, I can see it bugging and keeping you in the server for mins if not hours. Remember, code has a weird way of doing what it wants sometimes. I have been killed well over a dozen times by meta-exploiting. You don't see me boohoo'n. You can continue to argue your non-point but the fact remains we are being all punished for something someone else has done and many others, pussies might I add, have complained about. Nerf Nerf Nerf, away!
  11. nicraM

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    ^ this is what I'm talking about. I can already see this changing to a 1 min log out state, because of people like you. Go play CoD...
  12. nicraM

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    You seem to play on shit servers, brah! Play on well admined servers and this won't happen. And what is wrong with shooting on sight? I have 7 murders on this char. All of them were drop kills. Meaning, I got the drop on them and they never had a fucking chance. Why would I want to give anyone a chance? This is survival... but that is neither here nor there, we are discussing something else. My point, no matter what your argument is, still stands. Play on a well admined server and you will get decent gameplay without all the BS disconnects and such. Punishing all players with a rule that keeps you in the server, vulnerable for any amount of time after the fact, is bogus.
  13. nicraM

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    I think anyone who complains about lag on servers should first be running the BETA Patch of Arma 2 before complaining and demanding fixes. Make sure to play on BETA servers, too. It literally fixed all problems I had with the game. I run the beta patch and have at times had lag that makes the game unplayable, although its nowhere near as bad as some people on the forums make it out to be, for me at least. I can play for 30 mins fine, then hit a bit of turbulence which makes me lag to the point zombies are going Michael Jackson Thriller sliding across the map, then passes after a 5 minutes. Although that's probably not as bad as the average, it leaves me in a position where I can't really comment for everyone. All I can really say is reinforce Mromson's suggestion of using the beta patch. I won't tell you to play something else (only asshats do that), I know how much we all want to play on a lag-free server, but I'm sure there's an even better reason to what I posted that's causing the devs to hold back some form of "hotfix". Problem about that its that only rabits and dogs have running animations on arma2. So unless they made new anims its not posible :-/ I wonder if they'll make rocket do the boar/cow anims with mocap. I can see that, skip! My point still stands, though. Keeping a player in the game after they log out, was mainly the suggestion of all the players that just suck at this game. It is not really about making it fair, in truth. It is about giving those piddly fucks a chance to get even. I can see the rule bugging and keeping players in the server for longer periods of time. And 5 seconds? What does that even do? It wont solve anything if it only stays for 5 seconds and will castrate the game for the player logging out, if it bugs and keeps you there longer. This is a horrible idea, brought on by horrible newbs. Fuck them! The disconnect issue is really a moot point. There is a central database and if you wanted too, you can just file a report with the server, time and place you fought at or tried to fight at. The admins can check the central database and pinpoint where you were firing at and they can see who was/wasn't there. Then if they notice that said person logged in a fight, they can take the steps accordingly. This 5 sec rule will bug and fuck lots of players. Mark my words.
  14. nicraM

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    * [NEW] Player body exists for five seconds after disconnect (UNCONFIRMED IF WORKING) This will not work. It will bug and keep ppl in there for mins... I can already see this happening. Why are you punishing the good players for the shitty few that exploit-meta? Or, better yet, why are you placating to the fucking CoD kids? Who cares what they want. If they had their way, they would lessen the size of the map, increase the player count and give everyone a rifle on spawn. Sheesh...
  15. Anyone else noticing this? Just figured I'd check. I went to several servers and they were all pinging high, once I went into the game. Everyone else in the server seemed to have incredibly high ping, as well.
  16. nicraM

    0.19% or Why I stoped playing

    HAHA... I have kept a char alive for maybe two days, at most. And, I have have found some tier 4 and many tier 3 weapons. DMR, M4a4SD CCO, Satchel charges, NVG, Ranger finders, m14 with aimpoint, M4a3Camo CCO, etc. You just suck.
  17. nicraM

    When is the next update?

    All I care about is for them to stop the fucking hackers, like yesterday.