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Everything posted by nicraM

  1. If the items are real items in game, you can take them. Why wouldn't you? They aren't illegal by any means. Now, as for gold AKs and 50s with thermal scopes? Yeah, hide that shit!
  2. nicraM

    Just got shot, unarmed.

    It is simple. Whether you have a gun or not, is irrelevant. The fact is, he does not know you personally. Why should he trust you in any sense? For all he knows there is an AKM in the next loot spawn and you will grab it and come back to mow him down. That is the reasoning why most people do it. Why do I do it? Cause it makes me chuckle! I like hearing your cries in direct... "WHY WHY!?" EL OH EL
  3. nicraM

    Hackers are ruining the game

    I love how we either have to choose shit performance or losing our chars to 11 year old pimply faced faggots on their parents PCs, hackin it up.
  4. nicraM

    200k players in the last 24 hours!

    Yeah, HIVE needs an update. I wish there was a company that profited hard from this game to put money back into the HIVE. 0_o
  5. nicraM

    Fun with Scripting

    You lost me at "I cheat.."
  6. nicraM

    ALT-F4 will never be fixed

    How about we implement a tracking system where the bullets are ID'd and if your ID hits another player and they DC, they get sent to debug wasteland. 23Km out with nothing and 5 mins unconc to start? That is the way we can combat those piddly faggot DCers.
  7. I have found 5 in total. Only off players, two to be exact. One had 3 the other had 2. I always die before I get the op to use them.
  8. nicraM

    Mk48 Mod 0 or M4A3 CCO?

    You can use 240 rounds in the mk 48 mod 0, I believe. Take the MK 48. It is one of the rarest guns in the game for a reason, it owns hard!
  9. I just laugh when people like you play this game and think we need to placate to you so you have a good time. It is a hardcore survival zombie PVP game. I kill anything that moves, that does not yell at me on vent. Even they aren't safe sometimes. Ask them, heh.
  10. nicraM

    Arma 2 AO Down?

    They were probably already in game. Hopefully.
  11. nicraM

    Arma 2 AO Down?

    I get that too now. It is 3pm PAC my time. I was playing around 30 mins ago, though. Seems they are doing something. But rest assured others are getting it too.
  12. So, recently I have found another 500+ meter shot with the enfield. I looked at the video and it is like 250-300 meters at best. It has thousands of views. I commented on this page and responded with my video. He replies telling me that my shots were 400 meters at best. You decide. Which is the further shot(s). Also, which is the better shot(s). My video (I think it is about 600 meters) His video I even complimented him about his shot but let him know that it was a little less (a lot but wanted to be nice) than 500 meters. He replied that my shot was shorter than his. HAHA.... Fuck man.... some people are daft.
  13. nicraM

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    It is because the newbies started to get ballsy. I will only rob if I am in a team. Even then, it is almost not worth it to engage verbally. This is the wild west. Shoot first or be dead.
  14. nicraM

    Realistic to shoot on site?

    This is a video game. But since you brought it up. In a real life situation, I wouldn't approach anyone. And if engaged, I surely would draw first so they wouldn't get the drop on me. With that said, it is a video game. What else is there after you have killed so many zombies and collected every piece of loot you could ever want, a million times over? I will tell you what there is. There is PVP. Get over it. I make no qualms about it. I just like to do it. I love to hear you squeal like a little bitch in direct... asking me "WHY!?! WHY!?!" It gives me a boner.
  15. nicraM

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    The Brony is always the first to die. Remember that.
  16. I just kill cause it gives me a boner. I don't give a shit about your gear.
  17. This is bugging badly. I just finally found primary weapons on Cherno, after the desync chain popped up. GG And, I haven't been server hopping. This is hours after I logged on to the server I play at exclusively.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdRDfkv9JGg&feature=plcp The quality isn't that great. I think maybe when I added the music track it killed the video quality? IDK. Oh well. Just watch it on mid screen @ 720p. The song is Danny Brown - Monopoly (One of the best rappers around at the moment) Oh, and i was going to keep using one thread for my videos but this seems the better option.
  19. The first shot was OK. But damn if the second shot wasn't beautiful. I can't believe I landed it. Watch in 720p (obviously)
  20. nicraM

    Am I Doin It Right? (Video)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ze8DR3lr7g&feature=plcp Might as well use this thread as my video hub. I play daily and once in a while I get something decent on video.
  21. nicraM

    Am I Doin It Right? (Video)

    Thanks, man!
  22. A little back story to this, I had an M14 which I had lost 10 minutes prior in the same spot. I spawned in Otmel and ran back as quick as I could. My body was there minus my M14. I had lucky picked up a markov which I had used from the Office Building second roof partition. They knew I was in there, as you will soon find out. What transpires is a hilarious back and forth between me and what I believed to be a group of two. I was pleasantly surprised... The action is on the end of the third, fourth and fifth video. The first two are worth watching for the troll factor alone, though. Enjoy.