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Everything posted by nicraM

  1. Get rid of hackers Get rid of DCers (alt-f4, meta) Get rid of the people that bitch about PVP
  2. nicraM

    What is your best char?

    I was waiting for this question. Cause gear is easy to get. I had 2 rangefinders throughout the day yesterday. I gave away one and kept one. I also had 2 nvgs. The day before I had 3 50s (HIVE ate them all). I can get whatever I want in a day, if I want it. I played like you once... once! It was boring as shit. I would sit on the sidelines while my team would go in with enfields and patrol packs and rape everyone. I then got hacked by a teleporter and from that point on, I decided it would be the enfield life for me. I have a FAL now, one I lost a month ago (I crashed on a motorcycle) and gave my locale to my team. One of the new guys took my stuff. I was kind of pissed, but whatever. He kept it for a month and then died, by one of our own teams hands, a couple nights ago. I relinquished my baby. I lost it last night as well, and ran back and it was there, in the dead, cold, hands of the newb that got me. Karma is a bitch! Either way, nothing beats stalking people in Cherno or Electro. Their cries on direct are like watermelon juice on a hot summer day. Satisfying! =D
  3. nicraM

    What is your best char?

    My logic is solid. This is a PVP game. That is why it is so fun. Cause without people like me, it would be boring. And yes, your chars do suck if you haven't even tried to engage another player. Are you playing a single player game? Or, maybe a campaign mission with co-op aspect? No, you are playing a post-apoc, zombie, survival, PVP, horror, game. You need me... otherwise you would be bored to tears. <3
  4. nicraM

    My M107 for your AS50?

    You have three of each and you don't know that you can hit the +/- key on your numberpad to extend the zoom of the AS50? Heh!
  5. nicraM

    My M107 for your AS50?

    I'll trade you BRO.. Where do you want to meet? =D heh.
  6. nicraM

    What is your best char?

    Not at all. My best char had 21 murders on it. Not that great. I am sure there are beasts out there that are balls to the wall and have twice that. If I was e-peenin, I would meta with a 50 and get to 200 kills in a matter of a couple weeks, then post a screenshot.
  7. nicraM

    What is your best char?

    Meta say twat?
  8. [ONLY EXCEPTION] That I am only allowed to disconnect if a Hacker is posing extraordinary threat. That is the only time I have ever Aborted during a firefight. Even then, if the hacker isn't invisible and isn't using god mode, I will stay most times. I blew up a hackers car in Cherno a couple days ago with my FAL and then proceeded to go rape them. I didn't know they were hackers, but both had ghillie suits and one had an AKS (gold). That confirmed it. Of course, they were just spawning shit in (still hacking) and got what they had coming.
  9. nicraM

    Yep i am done, i quit

    See, these are the people that I feel bad about leaving the game. You have a valid point. I hope you change your mind cause this "game" is a unique experience and you shouldn't let those losers get to you. They are what they are...
  10. I never used interactive maps, nor videos when I first started. Of course, we got a gun back in the day. Either way, it was more fulfilling to do it on my own. I found both Stary tents and NW Air just exploring aimlessly. It was magical. Now, I just spend most of my time in Cherno and Electro with my FAL. I have lost this bad boy a bunch of times but it seems to keep coming back to me. By that I mean, I go back right away and murder everyone that murdered me previously. Yeah, I'm that guy. =)
  11. This is from playing today. We went all over today and encountered a few vehicles. I had videos of a heli too but nothing really happened and we desynced and that was that. But either way, the experiences in the videos were great fun. I hope you enjoy watching them as much as I enjoyed making them. Subscribe to my channel. I'll probably have more videos on a weekly basis. Yeah, I'm a dick http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfnFuA0wIX8&feature=plcp 3 Minute Rule
  12. Sorry Girl! We Needed Your OXY. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4h_W63d-bQ&feature=plcp Was that a grenade?! YESSS!! (best for last)
  13. Nice Mole!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsj71Yk3eNM&feature=plcp Too Brash Too Curious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO-7AX0xh5g&feature=plcp
  14. Men in Black - Fear! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUOL7cuZek8&feature=plcp All You Need Is a lil Help From Your Friends
  15. Hackers Suck - Round 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s46J3kwLVqk&feature=plcp Hackers Suck - Round 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e0MooWRLQo&feature=plcp
  16. nicraM

    Solo play not viable?

    Haha... I play mostly solo but have a great group to play with as well. It depends on your style. I can hang in both scenarios. In all honesty, I tend to die more in a large groups because you are more cavalier about the situation. Lone Wolf play is slow and deliberate. I spend most of my time looking out windows. Window shopping, if you will. =)
  17. You just need to remote into your server. Of course, you need the IP for this. But, if you have it, you can play. I hope this helps some.
  18. The REMOTE icon is to the right of LAN. Click it and change out the IP. Then click OK and the server you remotely entered should pop up.
  19. nicraM

    Server's down?

    Well, I just desynced and lost all my gear cause I can't even get in because of this BS issue. THANKS BI!
  20. nicraM

    What's with the low FPS?

    Until they do "object clean up" and/or actually make it work properly, it is the only solution. I log in with 30-50 FPS depending where I am at. In 30 minutes time I am at like 16-28. I relog and I have 50 again. The problem doesn't even seem to be the bodies, themselves. It is the gushing blood. Cause when you relog the bodies are there, but the blood stops. So, maybe, just make the blood gush for only like half a minute? That would be my suggestion.
  21. nicraM

    What's with the low FPS?

    And, it is the object clean up. Just relog into the server. It should help with FPS for about 20-30 mins. Then you cache all the BS the server isn't despawning and your video memory gets overloaded.
  22. nicraM

    What's with the low FPS?

    Wow, what an arbitrary post. How about you tell him what the actual problem was with the PhysX
  23. nicraM

    Just got shot, unarmed.

    That isn't true. I hate CoD with a passion. Always have. I PK ruthlessly cause that is what this game is about in the end. I can resup my guy in a couple hours with ridiculous gear. I tend to go into Cherno or Electro and just ruin player's dayz.
  24. Go to a major city. It will be tougher to stay alive but you should be able to find something. Watch for server restarts, too. Go in when the server gets rebooted and go straight to the firehouse. There should be a military grade primary there with ammo. GL