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Everything posted by kampfiltis

  1. kampfiltis

    See Players on Map

    Can other people see me on the map on regular servers if they are close? Or do I only see myself?
  2. kampfiltis

    Tent space?

    How much stuff fits in a tent? is there a limit? I already put lot's of things in, but I fear if I stuff more in, some will be destroyed without warning, just like with the bagpack sometimes Thanks
  3. kampfiltis

    Tent space?

    very nice description. Thanks man!
  4. How can I find out what happened to the server I placed my tent on. Wanted to check for some stuff this morning. Can't find the server anymore. Is there any way I can find out if it is coming back? Server is LU13. Thanks
  5. kampfiltis

    Where is my server?

    thought so. so LU13 must have been an officially approved server, my hopes it will come back are higher now. Thanks ;)
  6. kampfiltis

    Where is my server?

    those namings, like LU13, LU15, DE69, EU58 ... who gives those out? Is the hoster free to chose or are they handed out officially?