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Everything posted by spiney

  1. Hence why I'm leaving the game alone till at least BETA or something along that lines. Insofar, I'm just keeping up to date with the updates.
  2. First time I ever acquired a gun, which was the lowly Makarov, I was quickly done in from behind by some guy with an assault rifle. I still think starting with no weapon is bogus, however I hear you can finally lose zombies when they chase you.
  3. Furry threads always garner odd reactions of flame from trolls. Honestly, every furry thread is about 80% furries explaining its not a fetish, 10% trolls saying it is, and 10% furries posting pics that are so close to sexually explicit its not funny. So fuck you, I'ma scalie.
  4. spiney

    lol's of DayZ

    Being snuck up on by a crowbar weilding survivor. I had turned around to see the guy prone, behind me. It startled me enough to cause me to connect my hatchet to his face.
  5. I've noticed loot diaapearing over time, to be replaced later on by different loot. I think it's how the loot system works; cycling through areas and replacing the current loot with differen't stuff, or nothing even.
  6. Well, frankly, for me, it was using global chat to ask how to equip my torch because I had joined a server at nightime. Without that, I probably might have quit there and then. Of course, after that, came the actual exploring, and much dying due to lack of starting with a weapon and the marathon running zombies. Maybe for now a simple impass can be achieved by making the Global chat toggleable, then introduce a new item such as a radio later on down the track. The game is in alpha after all.
  7. Well every new player needs guidance of some sort. And different people have different ways of looking for that; some in game as it's a multiplayer game, and some, like me, through video tutorials to get me in with the basics of the game.
  8. I'd do it the EVE Online way. You can DC in combat, but your player avatar stays behind, easy meat for anyone pursuing you. This would work if you're being chased by zombies too, you can log off, but you're avatar is going to get knawed on easily.
  9. spiney

    Random Asshattery

    Wasn't aware you could man tractors. Gives me the idea of starting a biker gang, but with tractors. Hells Farmers.
  10. As they say, a solution that benefits both sides on the matter is the best. Being able to turn it off in game would probably satisfy both parties.
  11. In any game, people will found a way to achieve the best possible position/rank/items. It isn't really exploiting per se, but knowing the mechanics enough to get the upperhand. And gaining the upperhand is rather quintesential to a zombie apocalypse surivival simulation, aye? It may come across as exploitation, but that's simply because DayZ is a bug riddled mess, with many loopholes and imbalances yet to be fixed.
  12. spiney

    IF this was an actual game...

    Seeing the size of the playerbase so far, I can imagine stand alone payment would work well. I'd like to see it Studio developed, with influence from the community, and also modding capabilities. Also single player, just saying.
  13. No global chat is certainly a kick in the nuts for new players who can't ask for help. Furthermore, it was rather fun having conversations with people at anytime. Immersion can go suck a fat one, seeing zombies walk through the floor of a building is far more immersion breaking than a global chat.
  14. I don't mind starting with no weapons, if weapons dropped more often. I've begun calling myself 'Hatchet Man' because that's the only weapon I have ever found. Granted its a decent weapon, more often then not I've been thwarted by having my legs broken by being smacked in the face.