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Everything posted by ShadowNacho

  1. ShadowNacho

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Anyone tried placing mountain dew on green mountain? Some LOTR shit right dar :D
  2. ShadowNacho

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Guys it wasn't a 50 people server there is NO way that that would happen, I said a server with 5 to 7 not 50+! LOL :D:D And it wasn't global anyways, made it abit more creepier in my opinion with less people on the server.
  3. ShadowNacho

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Ok this one is another Green Mountain one: I was on a server with about 5-7 people, most of them friendly. Awesome thing was about that server was the fact that they had a Helicopter to transport people from the shore to the more inland areas for better loot etc. Not even at a price. I asked for Green Mountain, since I thought "Hey why not, lots of legends have been told about it, worth checking it out on my way to Stary". They picked me up from Cherno. All I had was an M1911,the starter gear, and some food and drinks. When I got there it was really glitchy. And the only way I could see properly was by looking up and down. It had been happening in Stary also so I got used to it. I got near the tower and started looking for some supplies. But I couldn't find anything. So I thought "What bullshit, nothing here that's interesting at all" Then all of a sudden as I looked up it was covered in smoke, maybe green or red, I can't remember. Then I got hit. There were atleast 9 zombies closing in on me I ran like hell out of there. Into the forest. When I looked back, all I could see was glitches. Apart from the zombies chasing me. I fortunately got out of there. I wanted to catch another ride with the Helicopter group to anywhere but that terrifying mountain. I tried to look back, but nothing but glitches and that sticking out tower. I saw the helicopter land near a crash site to check it out, with more zombies there than the ones I was being chased by. I caught up with the group. But with no hesitation, they hauled ass and got out of there when I showed up. No idea why, maybe because of too many zombies, but they went so quickly. They left another guy behind. Armed with a sniper rifle, he told me he had not alot of ammo left. We mowed so many zombies down. But to no avail. I had broken my bones, now facing that horrifying tower. I saw the Helicopter nearing the Tower, passing it, but as I saw it closing the distance between the tower. It blew up. For no reason. And as the sight of the deadly tower remained, I was frozen with fear. Relieved by the words "YOU ARE DEAD". From then on I vowed to myself never to go back there, because I know. That if you enter the vicinity of the Mountain, and try to escape..Just know, that you can run all you want...it won't save you...