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Everything posted by yahhzoo

  1. Pockets man. That is what standalone is good for.
  2. yahhzoo

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

    I have this same issue with the mouse sensitivity and I don't have any controllers plugged in. Its not the end of the world and It definitely didn't stop me from playing for hours last night but it is some sort of bug.
  3. yahhzoo

    Trading mountain dew

    Don't trade Mtn Dew for anything! They are fucking charms!
  4. A lot of people are getting this error.
  5. yahhzoo

    Running slowly?

    There is someone who is always slower in my group and it's because of his connection. Do you know for sure it's not your connection? Also even with 30 fps do you experience fps drops? Those can make you lag behind as well.
  6. If it's the end of the world who would care if they are a murderer? It's survival of the fittest. In this game though I try to make friends with people first because gaining someones trust is a lot harder then just shooting people on sight, but if I feel threatened your dead.
  7. yahhzoo

    I found a radio, is it legit?

    I have never seen a radio. Pretty cool find. Maybe eventually you will be able to use it to privately talk to people like friends and such.
  8. yahhzoo

    Finding guns = WAYYY too easy

    Yeah the duping is out of control lately, but I think when everything is "normal" on a server finding a gun can be annoying. Finding a gun should be hard though I like it where it is.
  9. Blame Battleye and these freaking scripters are barely hackers. The hackers are the ones who made the programs. Also making these threads is what the hackers want, so you are making them happy by complaining.
  10. yahhzoo

    Just got shot, unarmed.

    These posts make all warm inside. The more people complain about this the more I want to shoot them.
  11. You still made a post about that hacker killing you. That still gives them satisfaction does it not?
  12. Very nice page! You get my beans yo,
  13. yahhzoo

    Character bound to server?

    No. I want to be able to play with different friends on different servers with my same character. What if you server is full and you want to play your main character? Doesn't sound like fun to me.
  14. yahhzoo

    i wanna get a car or something

    Sometimes they need gas and sometimes parts. So it's good to collect parts in a tent at your base.
  15. yahhzoo

    i wanna get a car or something

    http://dayzdb.com/map#3.102.053 that loot map has vehicle spawns. check the spawns and you may get lucky.
  16. Another informative video Acebane. Hopefully informing more people about hackers will help. I just want them to all go away it's getting annoying.
  17. yahhzoo

    Green mountain...

    First rule of DayZ we do not talk about Green Mountain! Second rule of DayZ we do not fucking talk about Green Mountain!
  18. This video is a pretty good example of why you shouldn't use in game voice chat.
  19. yahhzoo

    Want a tent, have a M4A1 CCO SD [Trade]

    The rarest M4 for a bloody tent. Are you people insane?
  20. yahhzoo

    Going Medic

    Playing as a medic can be rewarding but at the same time it can be terrible. Don't help people with your good gear on and have the people drop their weapons on the ground before you try to help them. Even then there are no guarantees. People will kill you to get a extra murder.
  21. This is why I shoot on sight unless your on ts/vent. There is no reason to be a survivor and help random people anymore. Can't trust them.
  22. yahhzoo

    For those who don't know, ghillie suits

    Yeah I know people who have Ghillies and have experienced no problems. I haven't heard of anyone losing their stats due to wearing a ghillie.
  23. yahhzoo

    Everyone on server dies at same time..

    Probably a hacker nuked the server or the kill command. It sucks but you can't get attached to your gear.