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Everything posted by yahhzoo

  1. yahhzoo

    Im a dog

    Probably was a hacker messing with you.
  2. CRYSTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL! lmao that was amusing.
  3. yahhzoo

    Tired of wasting time

    Seems like complaining to me. I think restarting is the best part of the game, the fear of going into towns without any gear to protect you.
  4. yahhzoo

    When is 1.7.2 coming out?

    When it's ready.
  5. yahhzoo

    Luckiest loot you've discovered?

    Luckiest loot I got was some antibiotics off this guy I shot once.
  6. yahhzoo

    Have I lost my stuff?

    It's all gone dude : ( That button sucks you just have to remember how bad that button is and avoid it.
  7. yahhzoo

    So, Day:Z was a fail....

    Can I have your stuff? No but seriously. Stop playing solo and group up with people. It's a good way to survive. Also you complain about playerkilled what areas are you going into? Probably cherno/elektro/airfields. Those are pvp hell holes so avoid those and go north you will live longer.
  8. yahhzoo


    spend more than 5 minutes on the forums and you'll understand why It was sarcasm, but words made up on the internet can have different meanings/uses to different people on the internet.
  9. yahhzoo


    The fact that you thought you needed to make this post worries me.
  10. yahhzoo

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I posted earlier about need antiobiotics kalskirata responded and came out to help me. He gave me the antibiotics I needed. We grouped up for a bit to find some better loot. kalskirata is a very nice person. He did his job timely and politely. We also raided the NW airfield I have everything I need to survive and more. Thank you very much!
  11. yahhzoo

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    So I sorted out my blood issue, but I have the infection and I slowly losing blood. So if anyone has any antibiotics it would be much appreciated.
  12. yahhzoo

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    In the woods east of Staroye. Need a blood transfusion bad. Been trying to find matches so I can cook my own meat to get my blood back but I am having trouble because I keep fainting. Blood is at 2400. I can hook up the medic or whoever with a ghillie suit for their services. heading to polana now, hoping the supermarket will have matches. No longer need help. Thanks though. I was able to find matches and cook some meat to get my blood back finally.
  13. Hackers are everywhere they ban them every week and more appear. It sucks, but it seems like they will be around for awhile.
  14. yahhzoo

    DayZee or DayZed?

    I like to say Day Zed.
  15. yahhzoo

    ghillie sui

    They have a habit of spawning wherever they want. Second character I had found one in a house in Balota just sitting there.
  16. yahhzoo

    Raw MEAT

    Okay maybe english isn't your first language. So I was having trouble understanding. I will test hunting animals and running away to see if they disappear. See if it's recurring.
  17. yahhzoo

    Raw MEAT

    Why would you run away from precious meats?!??!?!
  18. yahhzoo

    Raw MEAT

    I don't have any problem getting any raw meat from animals. I think that's what you are asking.
  19. NO! Just no! It is not hard to sneak into towns and find your first weapon. It is part of the experience.
  20. yahhzoo

    DayZ Stories

    Finally a post on general without a youtube video. That is pretty hilarious dude. People trust people way too easily these days.
  21. yahhzoo

    m240 ammo?

    You can find it almost anywhere when you don't need it.
  22. yahhzoo

    im a survivor

    Wow this is very good! I shall it share it with everyone!
  23. yahhzoo

    Dear Mum

    ehh not bad not bad. lesson learned. always look first before shooting.
  24. yahhzoo

    Craziest Thing You've Done in Day Z

    My craziest moment in DayZ was when I was playing a couple friends and two randoms that earned our trust. We found a Yuril(the wagon truck can't spell the name) and all six of us piled in. We smoke in the distance and scouted it found it was a helicopter crash, so we decided to roll up on the truck and all the sudden we blew the fuck up. Apparently someone else was heading towards the crash and he had a rpg. By the time we got back to our corpses all our shit was gone. That was pretty crazy and a lot of fun. Such a surprise to blow up like that.
  25. I don't like this it would stop people from pvp. If I want to kill a couple people in a few minutes because I can I don't want to go insane for doing so. We are just trying to survive no reason for us to try to stay "sane" so we can benefit some other players.