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Posts posted by MXSteel

  1. So, today I logged on our clan server, hosted by multiplay, only too see they just applied the patch, and my 2 tents (with my only DRM sniper) gone.

    So, also having infection, I just kept running towards cherno, hoping to find some antibiotics in a hospital.

    Suddenly, I see some zombies on a usually clear field, I kill them, look around, and see a crashed chopper. I look around, and OMG! I see 2 M14's, 2 M107's, and an FN FAL ANPV S4. I dropped my AKM, took one M107 and the FAL into my backpack, and the other M107 into my hands.

    Just a bit later, my friend logged on, and I traded him a M107 for antibiotics. He was at cherno, luckily for me.

    Then, suddenly, as I re-logged, I was stuck in the loading screen.

    I restarted the game, logged in again, and WOLLA! I'm in the wildness, with nothing but my chami. That's right, with NO items.

    I could ask the sniper back from my mate, but to be honest, it would be kindda a jerkish move, so I'm not gonna do that. And anyway, that's still 2 of the rarest weapons in the game, just gone!

    Please, if anybody in the dev team reads this, I'd greatly thank you if you reset my position, and return the lost items.

    Name: MXSteel

    ID: 27041670

  2. @Zero @Zori

    Doesn't matter. Me and my friend clear around 25 zombies near the Stary Zobor tents, and BAM, after we check 5 tents, zombies start stawning in the area again. This is really bullshit, IMO.

    I wouldn't mind there being more zombies at one place spawning at once, but come on, the respawn is a joke.

  3. I think that the zombie re-spawn rates are seriously taking from the ways you can play the game.

    Currently, there are 3 ways you can raid a town/Airfield -

    1)Crawl everywhere.

    2)Crouch, use a stealth-ed weapon to kill zombies near you.

    3)DC/Reconnect exploit.

    But wait, what if you want to do it the good old fashioned way, actually kill all the zombies and go explore the area?

    ..you can't.

    After you're done killing all the zombies, you'd be lucky if you have time to explore one or two buildings - and all the zombies re-spawn.

    I really think this is taking away from this game, not being able to actually kill all the zombies and explore, but being forced to use stealth.

    I really think that making re-spawn rates 10~15 min would make this a lot better.

    Not to mention, it'd discourage players to Dc/Reconnect, since it'd reset all the zombies.
