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Everything posted by SillySil

  1. SillySil

    how does this work?

    Primary guns take 10 slots in backpacks.
  2. Yeah a ban for being involved with a bug in an alpha. You don't even have to know how to dupe to do it. There are so many ways to do it you can do it by accident.
  3. It's a different game, derp.
  4. SillySil

    PvP vs PvE

    Changed my vote to "no" then. But I wish there was some danger from environment.
  5. There are more high end gear than there are makarovs on the map. One thermo is going to be duped, dropped, taken and duped again and then 100 people have an ultra rare gun. One of the main aspects of the this game which is searching for items is nullified right now.
  6. SillySil

    PvP vs PvE

    PvE as in zombies are actually something more than just indicators that there are people around? Count me in.
  7. Give me one reason why I shouldn't.
  8. How far was he? And spraying and praying doesn't work in this game. Did you use sights or did you fire from the hip?
  9. SillySil

    You get some satchel charges. What would you do with it?

    Dupe it 50 times, put them all over electro, make people fly.
  10. SillySil

    Stop whining about hackers and deal.

    It might be a feature in arma but not in dayz
  11. Sniper scopes/binoculars and many pairs of eyes? Maybe they had thermovision? Plus "zombies" are great indicators where people are. You approach a town and there are zombies on the left side but not on the right? Well, there are people on the left side then.
  12. SillySil

    Stop whining about hackers and deal.

    Can't test the game as a cow in the plains sorry.
  13. SillySil

    This has to be some kind of joke.

    I get all that. But to do anything in game, the core has to work doesn't it? Maybe we are thinking about different things when saying "core game"? By that I mean you can be put in-game, run around things like that. I don't see how you can test anything if you can't "play" the game or a part of it. And then there are the essential things. Like inventory or weapons in dayz. Shouldn't these essential things work in open tests? Ofc these can be disabled in closed testing since you test one thing at the time so you don't need that. But in open test, the basic things should be functional. And right now dayz is dominated by hackers/dupers. Which kinda kills the main mechanic of the game, the looking for items. Maybe I'm expecting it too much to be like a beta? But everything is available to us. Nothing is restricted. I could understand it all not working if we were doing some specific testing. This is what I was referring to at the very beginning.
  14. SillySil

    This has to be some kind of joke.

    Wouldn't you be unable to test anything if the core game isn't working? And isn't testing the purpose of alpha? How can a game be in a testing stage if it's so broken it can't be tested?
  15. SillySil

    This has to be some kind of joke.

    Which part of "Not referring to dayz but to what you said." you don't understand?
  16. SillySil

    This has to be some kind of joke.

    That's why I said that the core game should be working in alpha, derp. Because otherwise it's 100% broken game and you can't even test anything? Not referring to dayz but to what you said.
  17. SillySil

    This has to be some kind of joke.

    In that case, inventory should be unusable not just half broken. Running should be disabled because it's working now. And guns shouldn't be firing because they are fully working now. Hell, spawning shouldn't work. Because it's alpha where things are not supposed to work. It has nothing to do with dayz. You said that the game should be utterly broken in alpha. Meaning core game and 98% of features already in game are broken. What's the point of adding new features if nothing is working?
  18. SillySil

    This has to be some kind of joke.

    triple post, snip
  19. SillySil

    This has to be some kind of joke.

    wow triple post
  20. SillySil

    This has to be some kind of joke.

    Nice backpedaling. So now you want specifics from dayz? You said and this is what I'm referring to.
  21. SillySil

    Hackers everywhere, bugs, glitches and more...

    Incoming wall of "it's alpha" bullshit again.
  22. SillySil

    This has to be some kind of joke.

    They will get bored and then more, new hackers will come.
  23. SillySil

    This has to be some kind of joke.

    Of course a feature is likely to be broken the day you implement it. That's why you fix them later, after they've been tested you know what's wrong with them. What's the point of having new features added if the game itself isn't working and you can't tell what's wrong with them?
  24. SillySil

    This has to be some kind of joke.

    What? How do you go to beta if your game is broken and unplayable? And again what's the point of adding broken features?
  25. SillySil

    This has to be some kind of joke.

    No, alpha is where you make the core game work, beta is where you polish and expand the game. What's the point of adding new features every week if they are all broken?