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About Girthy

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    Kazakhstan & Co. Durham
  1. Wise words indeed from the DAYZ medical professionals )))) Back home on Thursday evening.... So zombies.... Watch out!!!!
  2. Just asking..... I've been out working in Kazakhstan for the last 4 weeks without access to DAYZ..... I've actually taken to watching DAYZ videos on YouTub for my kicks...... How sad is that ?????
  3. Hi, I've been playingb ARMA2 for a good while now and just started playing DAYZ... really enjoying it, but need to team up with other survivors.... Not really used TS3 but have it and same goes for SKYPE. I usually go by the name Girthy in game. I'm 42 and based in Middlesbrough. Only available half the year as I work overseas and can't get online when I'm away. Steam name - girthy1969 Cheers Girthy
  4. Girthy

    Database cleanup [2012-07-03]

    GAAAAHHHHH!!!!! I've been away in Kazakhstan for 4 weeks and was so looking forward to playing this awesome game (I love Zombies, me!!!!) only to get home and have the problem with the player ID's containing alpha characters.... no joy logging onto a server, and have been checking for the 1.7.2 update almost hourly, so I can get my very first taste of DAYZ..... Still, I suppose the wait will be worth it...... It is worth the wait isn't it???? Regards, Girthy........