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Posts posted by cashmerelc

  1. My server is doing the same thing. I checked the logs and the monitor program crashes roughly every 20 minutes. I checked the monitor logs and around the time the crashes started, after the checking of the scripts.txt file finishes, it says that it couldn't find arma2oaserver.exe. It now displays that on each restart even though the file location hasn't moved.

  2. Thanks for the reply. I ran the updater in the monitor/bin/updater folder and the console window showed a 'downloading blah blah' message, but it disappeared too quickly for me to be able to see what it was downloading. Ran it again just to be sure and it didn't display a downloading message again, so perhaps it corrected something. Monitor version is still 0.8.5, though.

    Crossing my fingers.

    No dice. Server crashed again. The search continues.

  3. Hi all, I run Atlanta 5 and it has been running very well for the past week and a half since it started. Suddenly today (within the past few hours), the server monitor has started crashing every thirty minutes roughly. Has this been happening with any other servers or does anyone have an idea on what may be causing it?


  4. Figured I would update this since I've managed to get the settings to change and someone else may have the same question.

    What I had to do was edit the 'Regular' difficulty setting to match those of Expert, since the server is stuck on regular difficulty. This worked perfectly.

    These settings are found in the cfgdayz.ArmA2OAProfile file.

  5. Hi all, I just started hosting a server and it is working great, but I've changed the difficulty settings to expert in both the config.xml file as well as the server.cfg file and it isn't making the change on the server.

    I read a similar thread last week but can't find it anywhere. Anyone have similar issues and been able to figure it out?

