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Everything posted by Masok88

  1. I started up six launcher on Monday after getting back from work and had organised a session with a guy I'd bumped into and gotten to trust Day Z. It was running an update and we were chatting on skype whilst I loaded up, I noticed quickly though that my game was taking ages to login to a server compare to this guy. I'd often get hung on 'Receiving Data 0/41kb' screen but the two times I did manage to get in I was on a server for 5-10 mins before being kicked by Battleeye because of my ping (most of the servers I tried had under 100 for me). Even when in game we had a situation where we aggroed some zombies and I couldn't see my buddy, I could only see the zombies chasing him, which made me really hesitant to shoot them as I didn't want to clip my buddy running about all invisible. I also tried filling my canteen and couldn't do this for ages. I was on skype with him for over an hour and probably had a total playtime of 5-10 mins. I love the mod but this makes it unplayable really. Namely because I can't commit to playing with any of the people I've made contacts as I don't want to impinge on there experience/endanger them. Any ideas? I went over to play Tribes 2 last night after trying unsuccessfully to join 3 Day Z servers, I can play other games like TF2 without an issue either. Help! I prefer Day Z to both those games! This has only happened since I did the update on Six Launcher on Monday.
  2. The server SE 3? Should I download it from the Day Z homepage?
  3. Hey been playing Day Z fine but just did a update on Six Launcher and since then haven't been able to connect it keeps going to 'Receiving Data' when loading before hanging. Any ideas?
  4. Masok88


    I hear a lot of bandit horror stories and then heard a story about someone 'bandit' hunting and another story of the equivalent of a flying doctor etc. Just wondering if anyone would be willing to form a group of anti-bandits? Sort of robin hoods hunting down bandits/organising loot runs/helping players out? Maybe figure out a server or two to persistently work on together? Just a thought
  5. Masok88


    Hey I've been playing for a little while and have managed to get a nice little setup going but the only thing I'm desperately looking for are matches. Where can I find them or can anyone set me up with some? I've done my best to avoid people so far after hearing the stories coming out from here and watching youtube videos. I got to confess I'm getting a little weirded out, like.. proper afraid of player populated areas after getting shot one time on the outskirts of being on a city. I don't mind going into them but I avoid other players like the plague because I don't want to shoot people (I love FPS though, weird) or get shot myself. As a result though I'm actually getting proper paranoid playing this game, its so emotionally draining! Glad this isn't real I'd wig out. I don't want to die over some matches but is there a safe way to get some? I got bandages/drink to trade if thats an option.
  6. Hey looking for a bunch of people to work with. Looking for people to raid towns with primarily but also help other players but out to poach bandits, especially those picking on newer players. Would anyone be interested in that?
  7. Masok88

    Robin Hood Group?

    I'll install it
  8. Masok88

    Robin Hood Group?

    Awesome, I tend to boot from six launcher, there an easier way to do it through steam? I also got skype if you want it can pm you the details.
  9. Masok88


    If you want to team up some time Punisher then let me know. Would love to work with you.
  10. Masok88

    Bandits = Amazing... Stop Crying.

    I dont really agree with this, killing unarmed players is weak, especially if there running around.. just shows they're new to the game. Most bandits from what I've seen do deserve to get shot, apart from the encounters I've had with them things have been fine without having to deal with them. I wouldn't shoot an unarmed player or even an armed one on sight but bandits I'd quite happy empty clips of L Enfield rounds into bandits even if it was in a city just because I got no time for them. The flip side of Day Z is what if people really banded together to stay alive? Listening to some interviews with rocket collaboration is part of plans for the future. You could create a completely new experience by changing the way you act around people.
  11. Masok88


    I tend to find my experiences playing day z to revolve around finding food source way more than anything else. Drink isn't an issue but I'm hugging my last can of beans and watching my food icon get redder by the minute. Not looking forward to scavenging in towns just for a can of beans.
  12. Masok88


    Race you to them. If I could find them living would be so much easier. I wish you could light fires with chemlights, I got those coming out of my eyeballs.
  13. Masok88


    Thanks for the heads up
  14. Masok88


    I did to start with but found I spending way longer than necessary exploring towns looking for possible gear, so many trash piles on servers where there should be loot. If the loot system was sorted out I wouldn't bother with it.
  15. Masok88


    Yeah I found binoculars and a map in Cherno too.. I can get by without them so far tho. Lack of binoculars will probably be my end in the long run but I get the map up at the same time in the game on a separate screen. Berezino/Polvana sounds good a straight line Berezino will take me through Polvana too.
  16. What should I have taken? Double Barreled Shotgun or Lee Enfield? Neither were ideal but starting out what would server me in the short-medium term?
  17. Masok88


    Just logged into a server in the middle of the night.. scary much? All I could hear was snarling and the screen was black. Even when I turned it up it was dark! Any way round this?
  18. Masok88


    Thanks, I'm all for realism but it was unplayable
  19. Masok88


    I would try chemlights but I hear they're bad for your health
  20. The few times I've spawned I've tried a range of approaches but only one of my lives have I ever managed to find any weapons/ammo (shortly before being shot in the back on my first play through). One time I went through two days of gameplay hoping from town to town sneaking past zombies not to find anything and break my legs/bleed out via a glitch in a doorway. Are there just less guns around? I look on youtube and people seem to find weapons just lying around left, right and center in the bigger towns. All I find is junk, literally I went through elektro yesterday and short of the hospital didn't find any food/weapons in any of the main buildings.
  21. Masok88

    Are there just less weapons out there?

    Thanks core.- that resembles what I've been seeing quite a bit. Literally some buildings were full of trash i.e the church and the supermarket I was checking out. I remember my first play through and crawling past all those Z's to find a decent pistol/ak map, binoculars, watch and a ton of food/water can. Couldn't believe my luck, shame I didn't think some players would want it for themselves or just fancied shooting me. I' logged out in town so I'm hoping tonight I'll have more luck if I do another round robin otherwise I'm going have to do something drastic to get some food/water. Atleast with all those empty JD bottles I can draw off zombies that are a little too close to possible loot sites.
  22. Masok88

    Are there just less weapons out there?

    Yeah It did, the church, as an example was full of tin cans and JD bottles. The fire stations/train stations/supermarkets were similar fare. On my last play through I hit up the deerstands and had 13 different types of ammo at one through doing that.. I took them thinking 'if I find a weapon I want to be able to flippin' well use it' and then I found a piddly m1911 and hadn't come across any ammo for that gun. The worst bit was in the smaller towns people had strung up barbed wire everywhere.
  23. Masok88

    How to make having no weapon fun

    This should be included in the Mod. I wouldn't freak out so much when I hear one of those snarling freaks go after me that way.
  24. Hey, I've recently started playing this week. I recently respawned near Kamenka and am currently hiding out in Balota airfield looking for gear. I haven't been able to get a good session in the last few days but have checked out roughly half the airfield and at best have found a couple of soda cans and chemlights. The other thing I've found loads of is barbed wire and sandbags.. they're everywhere. Can anyone help me out in finding some food/weapons? I'm pretty hungry!