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foz (DayZ)

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About foz (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    hi i'm Jack, i'm 17 and from the UK, i'm a web design apprentice and go under the in game name 'foz'
  1. but uk time isnt the same as GMT since GMT is constant and the UK uses daylight saving time' date=' so atm the UK is GMT+1 [/quote'] +1
  2. Soooooooooo.... servers down till 4 or going off at four? #LowIQ
  3. [ohmyDayZ] - 'Counting down the DayZ' Yeah, so we bought the game about two weeks ago and we're looking for people to join our squad, or merge into a bigger one, there are currently three of us in our team and we all know each other in real life, so inactivity isn't a problem. The game has changed alot since we first started, I used to see someone and be confident in talking to them and helping each other out, but now I see someone and before I say anything he's shot me, so we're looking for some friends to help each other out. So if you want to get in touch please; - Add me on Xfire: fozzb0tt, or steam: JackMJFoster - or pop into our ts; Also, a mic would be a massive bonus!