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Combine (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Combine (DayZ)

  1. Combine (DayZ)

    KOS, because you play too much Simcity

    You are apparently fine with having little to no challenge. Oh well, then again, the coast is a tricky place in general. It doesn't really matter once you are past it though. So sniping unarmed people on the coast is really just some target practice or wasting ammo, whatever you like to call it.
  2. Combine (DayZ)

    KOS, because you play too much Simcity

    Look. I / we get it. But as much as your subjective negative experience might annoy you right now, so do threads like these annoy the community. Rage / emotional posts complaining about something in that manner mostly do not help. Some could still provide room for discussion, but that doesn't mean it starts off nicely. You have two options now. Stop playing or not. Temporary or permanently. Try it again later once the game is more developed. Otherwise, try changing something. Strength in numbers, pal. I roll in a big friendly group and wouldn't want to miss that experience. DayZ can still 'exhaust' you sometimes, but I get through any, excuse the language, "KOS fuckfest" (just to get the point across) nicely or more or less nicely, while helping people. Also proves a point that pure, simple KOS (shooting at anything no matter what) is stupid and gets people killed. We recently had a guy take pot shots at us (15 total á 5 people per squad). Why someone would attack a big squad on his / her own is beyond me, but obviously they all died or combat logged (pussies). My point is: Stop playing or change something about how you play if you keep having negative experiences. And you can still be friendly without being at a severe disadvantage. Also because "KOS" is NOT the secret recipe on how to survive. In many situations, THAT can / will get you killed. Play something else or try again! But please no "Dun liek it, fukk 'dis n' all, I go kthxbye"-Threads (again: or anything likewise) please. Or anything similar. Too much forum cluttering.
  3. Combine (DayZ)

    Is there a benefit to surrendering gear?

    Because of just one situation? :D
  4. Combine (DayZ)

    Military Relief Drops

    First off: It can be explained and make sense. DayZ has little backstory (which is kinda good, in cases like those) other than it might be losely based on the Arma universe / timeline. Which means even WESTERN WEAPONS or UN Berets can be encountered in a place like Chernarus due to the previous A2 story. The Chernarus military themselves served as UN peacekeepers in that other fictional middle east country. WHO could drop them? Doesn't matter much. They might as well be old / new from the local military, another bordering military or a global relief organization. Any of them can still exist (somewhere) simply because there's no set backstory. DayZ - It's your story. --- --- --- What could be inside? Enough examples were given. I'd take out any strong military weapons or even rifles, but ammo might be among it for any weapon. Other than that, especially food, tools, survival items, etc. Small firearms at best, I guess. Pistols, or so.
  5. Combine (DayZ)

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Survival is its own reward.
  6. Combine (DayZ)

    Is there a benefit to surrendering gear?

    There's no universal right answer for this. It depends on the situation, the when, who and where. Sometimes you die no matter what, so you might as well go out with a fight. Sometimes people might just not even really try to rob you, but want to 'secure' you first. They could be friendly or just nice bandits. You might not die or just lose some items but live for surrendering. Obviously, if you fight back they will shoot you and, on average, kill you. So, I strongly advise to consider the circumstances instead of saying "MUUHHH PRIDE BANZAI" or whatever.
  7. Combine (DayZ)

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Precisely. Without any pink glasses on: DayZ is a survival game. Many aspects include survival. It's just that most core features or intended features are still missing because *drum roll* Alpha. It is still growing. Also, fact is, we can not be 100% certain on development. While the game has set goals from the devs, feedback can and will always influence those just slightly or perhaps completely. It really depends. Time will tell.
  8. From what I know, it's somewhat confusing. I remember someone doing tests with it. Apparently (this is from the back of my head), you shoot worse if you use it as intended. The best result someone had was having it on the Mosin (dunno with M4, was Mosin only tests) but not deployed and prone, or so. Then, I also head from someone that having one on an M4 might totally reduce damage. So yeah, many myths, odd tests and no real clarity, I think. Would be nice if someone could clear it up.
  9. Combine (DayZ)

    Few new items (ZSh3 Pilot Helmet incl)

    Small, uncomfortably and silly but cute.
  10. Combine (DayZ)

    Losing interest by design.

    Oh, yet another "that kind of thread" situation. Yes, exactly that. You just posted your emotions and made a thread about it. What's there to discuss? Not much, I'm guessing. You could turn it into a discussion, but it's like a facebook post you tend to ignore. E: Despite what the description of "New Player Forum" says, it's still kind of ... meh. But oh well.
  11. Combine (DayZ)

    DEANS serverpolicy - PURE stupidity

    Oh, thanks for the info. I just looked it up out of curiosity and saw where he served. Holy shit, even as commisioned officer. But now I at least know why there's a New Zealand Beret in the game :D E: I doubt anyone threatening him would be able to compare to that. And if they had a similar background, they wouldn't threaten. Simple.
  12. Combine (DayZ)

    DEANS serverpolicy - PURE stupidity

    I personally think it is kind of amusing. In similar threads, OP always make themselves look funny or "dumb" in the end. Not the thing or people they complain about. That's what you get for posting emotionally. Action - Reaction.
  13. Combine (DayZ)


    To someone above: No, it depends what is "fun". To some it's KOSing, to others it isn't as fun as some other playstyle or approach to players. Also, considering the new patch, killing others for their gear won't be a good approach soon or in the future if most of it is ruined. And the patch already tells us that some / many ruined things won't be useable anymore. So pretty much worthless. Also, ruined protective gear is also pretty much worthless.
  14. Looks like we need some more batteries for transmitters and more. Someone, re-open a factory that produces them. Also, re-open any power station to charge them and provide the factory with power. Or just use chargeable ones. Still need power for that though. Shit, might as well 'repair' the whole country.
  15. Combine (DayZ)

    Career Clothing

    This does not sound bad. Let me elaborate: How: You can incorporate this into character creation / selection What: You'd be limited to certain basic profession clothing. Let's take a soldier as good example: No rare military gear you'd find. Camo pants or an army (CDF / Russian / etc) shirt, perhaps simple boots. That's it. You still have to gear up normally, but your starter gear basically looks different without any benefits to keep it fair. Simple, but good enough to customize characters without real gameplay benefits. What do you think about this?
  16. Combine (DayZ)

    Reflective Vests

    Then go to a construction site with a shovel, wrench or likewise and pretend nothing happened.
  17. Combine (DayZ)

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    I do think the "full military gear / camo = PVPer / Bandit / KOSer" point is a bit ... lacking. It is not wrong, don't get me wrong. YES, in many cases it would be true. But that's simply because military gear is currently the best there is. It's realistic, but due to the still somewhat limited range of items in general, you don't see much more. However, don't forget that the best protection is suitable for many players. You also get to live longer or take less damage with military gear against zombies, don't forget it. And some could simply use it as actual uniform. Correct me if I'm wrong but the military clothing should also offer the most slots. Or does any clothing item for the chest have 6 items? I only know the tac shirts have 4. Does the raincoat have 6? Even if, you kinda stand out then... and from a realistic standpoint you wouldn't want to wear those brigt colors in general if you had a better alternative. Zombies would still have human vision too, so ... What I want to say is: The chance that the average fully geared player you meet could be "trigger happy" is there, sure. If people are too attached to their gear / KOSers, that can happen. But it might as well be the most friendly player you can encounter. There's big and / or known friendly groups that roleplay as soldiers, PMCs or likewise. They'd pick that kind of clothing as uniform, too. And likewise, the nice looking guy in civilian clothing with a Mosin or similar could shoot you on sight. He might just be gearing up. It's hard to tell in the end, really. In the end, I advise people to mind the actions, not just the looks. If you don't want to shoot at anything right away, stay away from other players or get to a safe spot and start communicating. If you get nothing in return, it might just be your average KOSer. At least that's what I / we do. After a maximum of three clear attempts of communication we assume hostile if nothing comes back. Nothing verbal or any neutral / nice gesture anyway. And no, that doesn't mean a short "Hey, hey, hey - OH fuck hostile terminate, terminate!" within 1-2 seconds. Give people a chance to reply but also briefly consider. If it doesn't work, go into combat stance or try to back away. This obviously works best if people are aware of each other, but not in a direct line of sight, right in their faces and aiming guns at each other while yelling anything at each other.
  18. Combine (DayZ)

    The Chedaki and Other Factions

    Actually seems like a good idea on first glance. "Loot regions", kinda. Even if just very rough. E: Then again, uncertain. A lot could've happened since Arma II.
  19. Combine (DayZ)

    A Zombie Type That Could Shoot?

    Well, apparently according to the new patchnotes, infected soldiers will be tougher. Just physically, as one could expect. No guns (used), but as close at it'll get :P
  20. Combine (DayZ)

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    First and foremost, actions should determine the response, not only clothing. KoS (the player) already gave good suggestions. I still believe certain clothing would not be used by bandits ... err ... KOSers much. Why? Simple. You stand out with certain clothing. Disadvantage if you plan on shooting everything for no f'in reason or because you are too attached to your gear. (Blue) Berets = no significant head protection compared to helmet. On the other hand, not everyone wearing full military gear is a bandit by default. And likewise, people that might seem nice could be bandits / KOSers that are just gearing up and didn't find anything better yet. Hard to tell! In the end, body language and more count!
  21. Combine (DayZ)

    A Zombie Type That Could Shoot?

    Operating firearms requires certain physical and mental skills, which infected individuals lack mostly now. They would, if there was a gun on them anyway, probably not pay much attention to it. It would be on a sling and hang around, and they would eventually just drop things in their hands. Addition: Rocket ruled out special infected. That's what I heard multiple times. So I think we won't see any of that. No "gun zombies" either.
  22. Combine (DayZ)

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I'll probably repeat myself here or at one point, but I'd really like to see a GROUP identification system. No karma skins you magically get for doing X or Y, but displaying some sort of group membership or perhaps playstyle. One of the best / unique ways would be using squad.xml or anything including that. But hey, people can already use some types of clothing to display their...well, let's call it karma. Bandits should stick to payday masks, heroes to UN berets or whatever. Or at least, that's a viable option but no guarantee anyway. As for group ID, it would already result in more interaction. Bigger or known friendly or bandit / hostile groups could be identified, resulting in various response to that.
  23. Combine (DayZ)

    Gun Cleaning Kit Bug?

    (Kinda) Simple: It appears that a gun cleaning kit is (currently) coded to SET a weapon status to worn. Maybe it was intended to go as high as that anyway, which is why it's worn even when used on pristine ones. Or it's intended and using that kit doesn't make your gun pristine anymore? In short: Don't use the kits right now if your weapons are "worn" or better. Should be no issue, really. Worn weapons should function just as well.
  24. Combine (DayZ)

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    If you want, you could even treat that as "natural selection" if people shoot other people wearing certain things on sight, and others not. Means the nice guy could backstab you, simple as that. While you might fire upon friendly geared players (or a group) and get your ass handed to you. I personally wouldn't go as far as say: YES, a guy wearing (insert here) is definitely bandit / hero. You could say that if there was "fake" karma skins you get after doing certain stuff. Then you could say it, but even then it might not be true completely, depending on how these skins would be applied.