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Combine (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Combine (DayZ)

  1. Combine (DayZ)

    Choppers back?!

    We're (as in, most of the community) still playing as of this moment, and by report / log, they were taken out. So if you play on a server with that version and see one (one you can use), go figure...
  2. Combine (DayZ)

    Ghillie Suits

    The bug here may be that you log out "too quickly" after equipping either camo or ghillie. HIVE may not register "in time" if you go too early after that, thus it may result in the "spawn in the air / ocean bug." That's why you should wait for a while after equipping, before it saves properly, in theory. And once that's done, you wouldn't have any problems unless changing to something else again. Unless a new bug popped up, that is.
  3. Combine (DayZ)


    Walter has a point, too. AND IT'S THAT EASY (to quote Billy Mays)!
  4. Combine (DayZ)


    Oh my god, here we go again... slightly OT: By the way, I suppose you're German, coming from the name "Steins", and some indicators. So am I. Many argue that Hitler built up the nation. And that is correct, but for what? Only to throw it all down the shitter. Obviously if he'd won, no one would complain today, but was that all necessary, if we just think about this point alone, apart from the other things he / they did?
  5. Combine (DayZ)


    Are you done venting rage, then? Can be considered a rage-thread. Obviously, the mod is not perfect. It's also an Alpha, being tweaked often. Plus, the community adapts somewhat to the version. No, it's not perfect all in all, but it is good. You can get by if you have friends, or if you're experienced and alone. And hey, as it has been said, you can find groups in the survivor HQ. Or even ask other people you know online, friends, etc. And yes, the best way is communicating via voice chat or so, and staying out of sight. That CAN work, an will, eventually. I also met friendly people randomly. But then again, I would not expect to run on the street in cherno / elektro and yell "Friendly! Dun shoot!", to give a more ... different example. Try again, get into a group, or just ... stop playing for a while. Or always. Your choice.
  6. Combine (DayZ)

    Camo/Ghillie suits safe to use yet?

    From what I understand, the PROBLEM of this bug was the report to central server. What do I mean? Basically, if you'd change clothes, and THEREFORE SKIN, you'd get the bug by logging out TOO QUICKLY AFTER THAT, since it would bug somehow, not register, and then result in this. In a shorter version, fixed or not: When changing clothes, stay on the server for a while before logging out. This makes sure it all saves properly. If you do that, it would be unlikely to get the bug, unless the server suddenly crashes or so ... unless a fix removed this problem.
  7. Combine (DayZ)


    Ok, guys ... calm down, and let's discuss this on a more "on-topic" than "emotional" level. If you can't do that, enjoy infractions, bad rep, bans, heck, something ... I'm inclined to agree that ingame mentality has gone to the shitter, though. Then again, people need to set priorities and maybe talk more to each other. Exchange more words, not lead, survivors!
  8. Combine (DayZ)

    Banned for Intimidation.

    Why did you post this in general discussion?!
  9. Combine (DayZ)

    Surrender/Hands up?

    That depends on the players themselves for now, mostly. But you may come into such a situation, so better have that bind ready :D
  10. Combine (DayZ)

    Customize your outward appearance !!!

    I imagine with some pack / pbo / etc. you can add a number of more skins or uniforms to increase diversity. They could be used just like camo / ghillie / civilan clothing then, distributed via "loot".
  11. Combine (DayZ)

    Non-lethal attacks

    "...subdue without killing..." WRONG. At least in some cases. It could make it worse. Just think. How do you suppose this works? I mean, most MEAN AND BAD people would just tase with one shot, then kill with the main rifle. Killing would be easier. Where you may need several shots to get rid of someone (and mind that they take cover, fire back, etc.) you can just shoot one, then "casually" walk over and finish the people with the primary or even an axe.
  12. Combine (DayZ)

    Surrender/Hands up?

    I quickly tested this in SP. IT ONLY SEEMS TO WORK WITHOUT AT LEAST A PRIMARY EQUIPPED, otherwise the animation plays for about 0.5 seconds before pulling the weapon (assault rifle in SP) again. Dunno how that behaves with a secondary. Without any weapon equipped (apart from grenades) the animation worked, or was in a loop to be precise. I suggest all to bind this, you never know when you may need this!
  13. Considering how they die at the moment, and some form of realism, I'd suggest we keep it to "living infected".
  14. Combine (DayZ)

    Zombie AI is completely and utterly broken

    Yeah, though for Alpha the progress is remarkable. I think that's why some seem to forget ALPHA STAGE and (not saying it here, just in general) sound like they "demand" things without considering the early version. But of course, game progresses with feedback. I started in this version ( and I can't really complain. Sure, the behavior you mentioned exists, but all in all I consider it to be okay. In short, you may have a point, but in my opinion you can deal with it regardless of their weird behavior at times. I mean, could be worse, was probably worse, and may only get better. Some things may be limited to the engine, though. You can't do "everything" here, for example, the engine does not permit underground areas, to name a very simple, slightly unrelated example.
  15. Combine (DayZ)

    Rocket is playing DayZ

    Eh, no, was just a bit suspicious since the link does not appear to be what I'm used to: <--- What you posted^ This can't be, at least from my browser, standard copy-paste. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= (some video ID) ^ This seems more like it, and is usually posted. Then again, it's prolly some "covered" link, still seemed a bit weird at first glance :)
  16. Combine (DayZ)

    Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)

    I really like the whole concept. It would bring the mod forward in some way, and allow for more (logical) end-game content. I mean, with all the big groups out there, it would be somewhat easy to occupy places. And zombies can't be around "forever". Taking over places where they spawn simulates this effect, without removing them completely. It would also encourage interaction between players and / or groups / factions.
  17. Combine (DayZ)

    Underground Military Complex

    You can still have your "bunker". I remember custom objects in Operation Flashpoint, where someone made various buildings which resembled a biolab, and more. You could enter it and even interact with buttons and objects inside, to open doors, etc. The only "catch" ? It would not be "underground". Still, you could make a big / giant building / bunker / lab that players and zombies can enter, and there you go.
  18. Combine (DayZ)

    Rocket is playing DayZ

    Seems like a weird link... or is that just me? Can you provide the full link?
  19. Combine (DayZ)

    Taking off a Camo/Ghillie?

    To switch with a friend, to pose as a simple survivor, etc. Also, we may see more clothes / suits / models in the future, so changing does make sense, if we also consider that.
  20. Combine (DayZ)

    Zombies should one hit kill

    Apart from gameplay reasons, it does not make sense anyway. Zombies are still, in some way, human beings, just infected with some disease that turns them into mindless animals on a rampage. Sure, they may be able to sprint and take some damage, but it's not like they grew Katanas on their hands, eh? So ... no!
  21. Combine (DayZ)

    Taking off a Camo/Ghillie?

    I'd like to know that, too. Kinda "scared" to find out via trial and error. I _assume_ this would be the case, however, just by looking at the way you equip ghillie/camo suits, and that you get back civilian clothing.
  22. Combine (DayZ)

    Best sniping spot in Cherno?

    As funny as it may seem to some, I personally would not really discuss it here. Why? Find a good spot for yourself. If you discuss every little spot here, they'll be known by the majority in no time. This is the public forum after all. One part of "survival" is also having advantages. Giving them away... well ... lowers the advantages.