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Combine (DayZ)

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About Combine (DayZ)

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    Bean King
  1. Combine (DayZ)

    Random death on the stairs and floors

    Guys. There is a fix for this. (Oh god I can already see the intensification) Well, let me be more specific: A potential possibly temporary fix. All you have to do is vault once you reach a new level in a building, or in a building where this bug can occur (many buildings with different levels). Vaulting (or stepping over), so I hear, tends to update your position or reset it to the correct level, which will reduce the chance of the bug or even remove it completely FOR THAT LEVEL ONLY. Obviously, if you enter a new level that is not ground level, do that again. By reports, some people said you can still get this bug. But that chance should be way way way lower than on average without doing that trick. Personal experience: I got this bug often. For example in the jail building in the bedroom, second floor near the beds. Or in one of the industrial multi-story buildings. Once I heard of this method I tried it out. And guess what? It did not happen to me since then, and I've been in many multi-level buildings and buildings where I'd get that bug before. In short: Vault or step over if you reach a new level above the ground in buildings, it should help you on that level. MASSIVE BEANS INCOMING, RIGHT? ... ... YO GUIZE? ANYONE? E: Laughing partially at OP for making a minor ragepost and showing a problem and then also saying the game would be gone from the PC. Now this possibly simple and easy fix is presented. Enjoy reinstalling it if you change your mind. Next time, try to wait for possible solutions before you do it.
  2. Combine (DayZ)

    THE HEIST - Broken Mind Personality Disorder

    Fun fact: When watching it for the first time I did not see the personality disorder thing in the title. Missing that + hearing "We" and so on in the video and seeing the titles "We ..." made me think there's actually two people in the video. I thought the other was simply behind him most of the time or not in view. Haha, oh wow. Embarassing, but nice plottwist™ anyway.
  3. Combine (DayZ)

    THE HEIST - Broken Mind Personality Disorder

    That was actually entertaining ... and not a sole kill montage. Good "story" vid :D E: Also
  4. Combine (DayZ)

    TERRIBLE mistake resulted in a hilarious situation

    Haha, that was a good one. "Who's the fucker (now) ?" "You."
  5. Combine (DayZ)

    Supernatural horror that stalks you

    There is enough player induced horror, I think. Some bordering the supernatural depending on how you look at it.
  6. Combine (DayZ)


    So, pistol suppressors can be found in teddies, too? Sure? If so, then I must be out of luck. I raided about 2 dozen christmas trees and countless more teddies so far and only found west / east suppressors for rifles. The hell?
  7. Combine (DayZ)

    Supporter 22. Massacre By Crazy Cannibal - DayZ Standalone 0.52

    Hahaha, that ending. (I hope your char remained there for a bit and that he got you :P) Bandits / Psycho Killers must die!
  8. Combine (DayZ)

    jittery scope

    Not sure what hardware has to do with it. Not that I'm an expert, but considering it popped up for most recently, I'm guessing software is at fault. Yeah, "combining" the threads would make sense. Apart from that, I suggest that people sit by a campfire totally dry for a while. Or make two campfires if that speeds up the process. It helped me (one campfire) after about 15 minutes or so, or various "I'm getting warmer" ticks to be precise.
  9. Combine (DayZ)

    shaking like crazy, cant stop

    If one campfire isn't enough, make two. Also, better safe than sorry so wring any wet clothing out.
  10. Combine (DayZ)

    shaking like crazy, cant stop

    (Short version at the end, you lazy folks) VCORP Science Division - Investigation Report "Handshake" Preliminary test shows success. Test was time consuming, however. Problem / Injury: Constant shaking of hands of individual Result -> Unable to operate many items in proper way, especially unable to operate long range or any weaponry in proper way, being cold constantly regardless of attire or location Failed tests: Splints, morphine-injector, Painkillers, food (being healthy), being in a non-cold (but not directly warm) environment for a prolonged period of time, warm clothing, relogging next to campfire without hot status, heatpack Required for latest possibly successful method: Campfire, patience (within 30 minutes or less), dry spot where rain does not reach if in wilderness and during rain - Report - There was constant raining on the test server. A spot next to a tree on the outskirts of a forest has been selected, a campfire was quickly made with sticks. Test subject and afflicted individual was of military origin with military grade equipment, CQF crew grade member. Condition has been observed for at least 24 hours prior to test. Subject took part in active combat with condition, neutralizing one bandit from close range with an assault rifle. Subject was unable to properly operate long range weapon, nor able to steadily use binoculars or likewise equipment. Equipment consisted of military grade clothing and other items such as berets and tops. It can therefore be noted that there were various clothing items present that could get wet without being worn directly. Whether this factors into the current problem and version is not entirely known. After igniting the campfire (sticks), subject began to wring out any wet clothing present repeatedly until sufficiently dry. Despite relatively warm clothing it took quite a while next to the campfire to warm up slowly. Any "hot" status was never reached. Eventually, shaking ceased. Estimated test time: 15 to 30 minutes. Most of the time was spent next to the campfire without weapons in hand. If and how fast the condition can reappear (and if it can be solved in this way or faster) remains to be seen. It is expected that being exposed to cold temperatures too long and / or being soaked in water - as can occur when drinking from water sources - may result in shaking that does not stop until being in warm environment for prolonged time. Short simple version, WOOP WOOP: Okay, basically, I got this crap after the patch I think, or maybe right before it? I cannot remember. I made a campfire, remained there for about 30 minutes (or a bit less) and continuously did the clothing wring stuff so that there was nothing wet remaining. Every "tick" next to the campfire I got a "I'm (slowly?) warming up" message. Not too slow, not too fast. After about 10 ticks or so (without getting more cold and wet again), perhaps 15 minutes or a bit more, the shaking was gone. Looking through a scope or binocs was okay. Unknown how fast it can reappear, probably being on cold servers too long in the wilderness or ... maybe a bit more likely ... drinking from ponds where you somehow end up soaked AND being on a more cold server. Unless any of you can come up with a better or clear explanation or more easy fix (or prevention) I suggest you should watch your clothing dryness when around water or when drinking from ponds. A heatpack did not help much by the way, maybe because of it lower quality.
  11. Combine (DayZ)

    shaking like crazy, cant stop

    My guess is that cold status is probably bugged, or in other words, mechanics of the heat / cold stuff. I imagine the shaking comes from being cold or freezing once, but never properly updates back. I had this before the patch once I think. Shaking without a popup. Using a campfire did help instantly. So far I have to try relogging to see if it helps. If not ... then probably the last way would be to get rid of the character. Might as well test the suicide option if you do.
  12. Combine (DayZ)

    Swords - how good are they?

    The guy in the video said he got this bug when he tried to throw it. So I guess normal swinging would work?
  13. Combine (DayZ)

    Netting and ghillie crafting

    It's an acceptable drawback, really. From "realism" POV you could argue that putting it over the often bigger backpack might make it stand out more. Okay, if it's flat or small then I guess... Well, maybe that is just the drawback of the improvised ghillie. Maybe military ones or so can offer a backpack or some pockets, if they ever add any. It's hard to get (without any other help), comes with some somewhat realistic drawbacks (heat, less space) and is somewhat balanced imo. It still does not make you invincible, but can help a lot.
  14. Combine (DayZ)

    DayZ of being Dead Webcomic

    This is just priceless and amazing!
  15. Combine (DayZ)

    Im really loving the new ghillie camo..

    Just skimming through this thread: You guys, sometimes it almost seems like some are "game scientists" or so. It should give this, it should be that. Well, from a realistic standpoint yadda yadda, but I see the basic things covered here. It's somewhat hard to get / rare, at least the more you want. It will give the proper heat values I'm certain (if not now then later). It still does not make you invincible, you could lose it any moment by almost any reason still.