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danni (DayZ)

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Everything posted by danni (DayZ)

  1. So I noticed my server had a changed welcome message a few days ago. After snooping around a bit I found out there is a script out there that allows hackers to download files off your server. Which means they can easily get the rcon password and kick/ban/lock server. Locking a server can get you suspended/cancelled by your host How are we supposed to protect ourselves from this? It sounds kinda risky to spend your own money on a server when hackers can easily get it offline.
  2. Hey, As the topic states. I'm looking for swedish players to group up with. Would be awesome if you use Skype as well. I normally play on my own server LU85 but I'm open for suggestions. Let me know if you're interested! /danni
  3. I have the same issue, cannot control my server anymore AND I've had terrible lag in the past few days. I've opened tickets and they just refuse to give me an answer, ignoring the issue. I'm considering looking for other hosts as this is unacceptable.
  4. danni (DayZ)

    Hackers stealing files off servers.

    But if you're renting a server from a host then what you just said does not matter. If I personally had the box I would have sorted the issue a long time ago.
  5. danni (DayZ)

    Hackers stealing files off servers.

    I just contacted Vilayer regarding this and all I got was a bullshit answer that they do not store rcon in the server.cfg file, the hack however allows you to download any file. Gotta love their first line technicians just ignoring what you write.
  6. I know this is an alpha and all. But some of these issues really needs to get sorted. I've seen more and more private servers with private hives lately. If these issues cannot be fixed we really need a way to whitelist people/lock servers. I know we're only 'testers' in the devs eyes but testing and spending money to support the mod is kinda pointless when hackers ruin it constantly.
  7. I'm sure that a dayz staff can help you with this. They've teleported people out from the debug field for example in the past.
  8. danni (DayZ)

    Hackers stealing files off servers.

    The info I found states that it still works. This hacking madness sure is ruining the game and I'm considering taking the server down for the time being. :/
  9. danni (DayZ)

    Looking for swedish players to group up with

    So, I totally forgot about this thread. I'll be adding you guys when I get off work today (promise!)
  10. danni (DayZ)

    Looking for swedish players to group up with

    I'll add all of you once I get home from work! :)
  11. danni (DayZ)

    PW Protected "DE 322 hosted by ichclan.at" !!!

    Because it is against the rules, and nothing you say will justify locking a server.
  12. There has to be something we can do to combat this. Considering this is a 'hardcore' game when it comes to dying. It's sad that these people have nothing better to do than to ruin for others!