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About rickyd1

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  1. rickyd1

    Lowest Settings my Pc can run DayZ?

    i don't think it will run to well. but you didnt list the graphics card.
  2. rickyd1

    Connecting Failed

    seems to have start working for my arma 2 server. people are joining again.
  3. rickyd1

    Connecting Failed

    problem is still here for me...
  4. objects in the game, such as tents are not getting removed from the database when they should be. causeing the server to clog up.
  5. rickyd1

    Unplayable FPS in cities?

    i think it can depend on the server you play on too.. make sure video memory is set to default. and turn vsync off.
  6. rickyd1

    Connecting Failed

    grr when will this be fixed!!
  7. rickyd1

    Connecting Failed

    i've tried turning it off server side on normal arma, still the same problem.
  8. rickyd1

    Connecting Failed

    This isnt a problem with patches. or battleeye right? i don't think swapping between versions is going to help. if you're new or not sure about patching and battle-eye then i don't recommend changeing any patches, you may just corrupt your game. as far as i can tell something is wrong with the server tracker?
  9. rickyd1

    Connecting Failed

    This has been going on for almost 24 hours and no official word from anyone..
  10. rickyd1

    Connecting Failed

    I thought it was something wrong with my arma at first. But that explains why when i created a server people on the internet could see my server but could not join. Lan uses have no problem joining. I have Ports forwarded and yesterday people was able to join. This is normal ARMA 2 CO by the way. I dont think it matters wither it Dayz or not. I patched to the latest beta patch and still have this issue.
  11. rickyd1

    Connecting Failed

    NAT Negotiation failed (NNThink - result 2) That's what i get. Anyone know what it means and is there anything the adverage user can do about it or is it a server problem?
  12. rickyd1

    Connecting Failed

    So any word from DEVs or Bohemia? or are we left to figure this out on our own? It's really frustrating. All i did was reset my pc. before that it was fine. the same thing happened to my Dads, Brother and girlfriends ARMA. and like i said around 7 other guys on my voice server. I feel sorry for the guys who just brought this game on sale and have no clue how stuff works. Also this seems to be a growing problem. Let us know if anyone figures anything out. - Thanks
  13. rickyd1

    Connecting Failed

    This is the problem for me and like 7 other guys on my voice chat server. Nobody changed anything and i dont think its a good idea to be fucking about with patches and stuff when the problem came from simply restarting the game, It's been fine for at-least a week with the current patches
  14. just kidding, did you try setting your graphic driver settings to default or updateing your driver. maybe you changed some settings on their.
  15. should have gone to spec savers...