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Everything posted by C0ttonhead

  1. C0ttonhead

    Zombies are OP ATM

    I just was running away from zombies, which i was hit SIX TIMES while running full speed. Killed all those fuckers then I PRONED PAST AND AGROED ZOMBIES FROM 75+ METERS. HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO SURVIVE
  2. C0ttonhead

    Zombies are OP ATM

    Well r ight now they are making it so people are more prone to disconnects. Zombies are seeing me from so far away when i'm crouched/sneaking. Like through houses 75+ meters away.
  3. C0ttonhead

    Zombies are OP ATM

    I have a bizon, gillie suit, coyote pack. Been playing for a while. The problem is you cant run to a choke point because they can attack you while running now.
  4. So i was playign with a friend, we changed servers because he had lag. We joined a new server and it spawned me in a middle of a field and i cant shoot my gun. Joined 4-5 more servers and i'm in the same field. is there a way to fix this?
  5. C0ttonhead

    The Taxi Service

    I've always thought this was an awesome idea!!! but you would need someone to escort just incase you get raided. Which i feel like is a high probability
  6. Just downloaded new patch. I've been playin for about 3 weeks now, and when i open up six launcher it shows me all the servers, then they go away and it says verify. So i verify and no servers, and repeat. Any solutions? Please I need help!!! :D I want to reinstall, but i dont know if i'm going to lose my character.
  7. C0ttonhead

    Cant find any servers?

    Yeah i'm sure. Now i cant even get into arma 2 OA through steam. This new patch fucked up everything. Hey man if you would have answered my thread I wouldnt have made another one. BEFORE THE PATCH. I could -open up Arma 2 through steam. -Find servers through the six launcher. AFTER THE PATCH -Cant open up arma 2, get an Error creating Direct 3d 9 engine -Can open up arma 2 through the six launcher, but cant find servers -Can find servers through the six launcher, but they go away and it says verify, after verifying no servers and repeat. Anyone else having problems? I also reinstalled the six launcher and problem persists.
  8. C0ttonhead

    Cant find any servers?

    Wish it was as easy as that, but its not working for me. I cant get any servers to pop up in general.
  9. Cant find information on in.
  10. C0ttonhead

    Cant find any servers?

    I have no idea how to use the ingame browser.
  11. C0ttonhead

    Cant find any servers?

    Stuck in a loop not being able to find servers. Shows servers, then they disapear and it says verify. No servers come up, repeat. I have only used the six launcher, I'm wanting to know these two things. A. If i reinstall dayz will i lose my character B. If there is is a different way of joining servers that doesnt go through the six launcher
  12. Just updated, it says verify where the launch button is. So i verify and no servers come up. Restart app and the servers pop up then disappear then verify comes up again. Anyone else having this problem?
  13. C0ttonhead

    Cant get any servers?

    Whoa man if that dude said that to my face, I would call him an asshole. "new generation of gamers" Lol. Playin CS before you even had a comp.
  14. C0ttonhead

    DayZ is longterm, baby

    Battlefield 3 engine. Thats where its at. They would slaughter the game thats for damn sure, but if only they would let them borrow the engine...:D
  15. C0ttonhead

    Cant get any servers?

    Been playin dayz for over 3 weeks now.
  16. C0ttonhead

    Cant get any servers?

    I've been playing for over a week, just installed the new patch and i cant get any servers. It shows me all of them then gets rid of them and says verify and repeats. ANy solutions?
  17. C0ttonhead

    Cant get any servers?

  18. C0ttonhead

    Currant server system.

    I completely agree. I think this will make the pvp more fun, and not to mention make it a more tactical game.
  19. C0ttonhead

    Day in the life of a Non-Bandit

    Lol playing as a bandits is big risk but quite rewarding. Kill or be killed. name of the game. Dont trust anyone unless you know then irl
  20. C0ttonhead

    Looking for a group/help

    Hey man i just added you on steam. I'm currently in grishino but i would come help you out. I'm going to be heading towards berezino to loot the hosipital. accept my inv on steam :D
  21. C0ttonhead

    Help me out :D

    Looking for someone awesome to come fix my broken leg!!! I'm in greshino, help would be super appriciated
  22. C0ttonhead

    Help me out :D

    thanks a lot i just sent you a pm
  23. C0ttonhead

    Looking for mature Team Players 20+

    I added you also.
  24. Right now i'm currently in Greshino with a broken leg and no morphine, FML. Would be awesome get saved :D I have skype and a vent server and i play with a group of 4 people who currently arent on. IF anyone is interested please dont be shy :D
  25. C0ttonhead

    Looking for reliable teammate!!

    Lol yeah at this rate i'm going to be re spawning pretty soon here. I was misinformed how much medical supplies i would need to go north