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Everything posted by PkStormx

  1. PkStormx

    Robbing people.

    im guessing that you got killed recently and now your mad about it. we shot 3 people at the NE airfield with snipers, and they most likely thought it would be safe there... and we are not bandits, we were there looking for vehicle parts... they were running around with flares, not hard to miss when wearing NVG's. i would try doing this tactic if it was 1 guy, and i had my teammates behind me to back me up, but it takes the risk out (Of them shooting back, and D/C), and you are going to get the loot if you just shoot on sight. EDIT ~~ lol forgot to add this in before... we shot them because they all assault rifles, and were hostile. we would have let them run along, but they shot another player hiding in the air control tower.
  2. PkStormx

    High upload rate

    the only solution is to get a better internet connection through your ISP... If it isn't possible to get a better connection then your going to need to deal with it for a while. it could also be because it is still an alpha.
  3. PkStormx

    DayZ CPU

    Going to need details on his computer, possibly he has faulty parts. and could you go into more detail about his computer, is it turning on, but not booting up, or just not turning on or what? if you can explain the situation in full detail i may be able to pinpoint the problem.
  4. PkStormx

    All my stuff is suddanly gone?

    Use the search function next time, I've seen this thread at least 7 times in the past few days. im sure you've seen this around... Dont get too attached to your gear you will lose it to glitches, yada yada yada.... It's a glitch, there isnt a way to fix it, just have to restart, find all your equipment again... i know its a pain i lost many rare weapons to these kinds of glitches. and remember its still and ALPHA, not a Beta, or the full version, its still very buggy, just be glad that you can access this wonderful mod.
  5. PkStormx

    Day Z problems

    Make sure you have the latest Beta patch, and make sure you installed it correctly. i would recommend doing it manually, you can use the search function and find multiple guides that WORK.
  6. PkStormx

    NVG "blacking out" near downed heli.

    i dont have this issue, the reason why it goes dark like that is because its simulating your eyes adjusting to the light. like if the sun starts comming up, when you face the sun it will darken everything but the sun, but when you turn around it will be dark, and you have to wait for your eyes to re-adjust. not a glitch, part of the game... as far as avoiding the muzzle flash thing, just try your hardest not to look at it...
  7. PkStormx

    DayZ CPU

    yeah, programs cant really break a PC like that, he may have an old PC, or if hes Overclocking then its unstable. so to put it short.... DayZ isnt going to wreck your computer, so dont worry. the reasons why that could be happening is that it may be over heating (To prevent damage when the CPU reaches a certian temp it will hit a kill switch), in that case tell him to replace the thermal paste on his computer, and possibly install and 3rd party air cooler. ~~~ Edit... if his computer isnt turning back on then he blew something out in his computer... it could be his PSU (Power Supply), Mobo, CPU, GPU, etc... it can really be anything in the computer, how old is the PC?
  8. i found a car and im curious if i could drive it to a safer location or something.
  9. PkStormx

    flare gun

    I approve.... it would help give my location to my buddies if i get lost....
  10. PkStormx

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    God awful idea. -1
  11. PkStormx

    Starting items

    Just a bandage... all you really need.
  12. PkStormx

    Perfect way to fix server hopping?

    yeah thats a really bad idea.... then snipers would just sit at the shore and wait for people to spawn.
  13. PkStormx

    New player LF partner

    Check your PM's.
  14. PkStormx

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Merino Medic assisted me again, he is the best medic, and helps us with non medical reasons also ;)
  15. PkStormx

    Locking Cars.

    we should be able to lock cars, and have keys on the player who owns the car. so that way you can just park it, and not worry about someone running up to it and driving it off. my idea was when the car freshly spawns, it has the keys in the gear compartment, then only you can drive it, unless you get shot and they take the keys off your body. i know they have this type of system on other mods, i kinda want it to be implemented in here too... also maybe add a hot wire option with a chance to set off the panic button and draw zombies.
  16. PkStormx

    Locking Cars.

    well possibly you could do that, but bashing in the windows would set off the alarm, so while your driving you are telling everyone of your location.
  17. PkStormx

    Do anybody have this problem?

    What error message are you getting? look in the bottom left corner, it should say something there.
  18. PkStormx

    Character has been DELETED? WTF?

    on some servers I am greeted with the whole Male or Female dialogue... i just spawn in and D/C and server hop until i find one that will load my actual player data. it could also be from the HIVE attacks also.
  19. yes i am aware i am awful at this game, and i should go die in a hole because i shot another player, what ever... heres my fail video.... if your wondering.... its my first time using the DMR, and using a sniper rifle so i was not really aware of how it worked. also my friend Wood377 committed suicide by accident... leave a comment and feedback please :P
  20. PkStormx

    My fail attempt at being a bandit...

    haha yeah, actually i found this DMR on a random dead body i came across. and reloading after like 2 shots is a bad habit i have from playing too many other first person shooters. and i agree on all the points you made, i did have a really bad case of tunnel vision, thanks for telling me im a noob in a nicer way than others :P i completely agree... i really should have used the armory and got some practice, but we got bored and wanted to restart so we did the dumbest thing we could think of.
  21. PkStormx

    My fail attempt at being a bandit...

    got bored and wanted to restart, best place to go out in style was cherno :P and look a lil further down and it says first time with the DMR, and in snipers in general. but if it helps you sleep better at night, i still have all my equipment, they never looted my body .
  22. I believe the servers are being DDosed, not much you can do... just hope that they get bored and stop DDosing DayZ, even though they should be focusing Battle eye since they are the ones who banned them...
  23. PkStormx

    In game lag, need help

    Try logging into different servers... its going to sound stupid, but changing servers can actually improve your performance dramatically. if that doesn't fix it then its most likely your connection to the servers which your are trying to connect to.
  24. PkStormx

    "Loading" Screen for ever.

    Only some players are able to log in currently, i believe the servers are being DDosed. i would try again tommarrow. best of luck!
  25. PkStormx

    arma 2

    ok this is in steam right? did you buy the Combined operations? if so then 'Right Click' Operation Arrowhead, then scroll over "Launch as Combine Operations" then click that... hope this helps :P also i would advise against using the SixUpdater, easier to do it yourself and save yourself a few hours of figuring out whats going wrong.