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Everything posted by PkStormx

  1. PkStormx

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    I dont think you know what the Xbox can even do... they had to dumb down crysis 2 just to get it to start up, even then it had severe studdering. my computer plays crysis 2 at 300fps maxxed. Yet Arma 2 i break 100 if im lucky.
  2. PkStormx

    need morphine really bad

    PM me with your skype name and maybe we can work something out.
  3. PkStormx

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    Found a random guy that was unconscious (Heard gunshots and went over there to see what was goin on) that was around Sosnovka. I bandaged him and gave him morphine, transfusion, painkillers, and lastly an epi-pen. after he got up he thanked me and he put his CZ550 on the ground and left. I tried to follow him and tell him i didnt need it but he kept running. i already had a Ghille suit, M107 (For the cars), and M16 M203
  4. It's not a game its a "Anti-Game" and its supposed to be realistic, not fun.
  5. haha you must have had your tents raided recently... we found like 8 on a server and got NVG's, Camo Clothing, AS50's, M107's, and all of us got GPS's. Having the chance of your tents getting raided is part of the game, take that out and the game becomes boring.
  6. PkStormx

    Stuck in endless hourglass

    If you can give me your coordinates i can help... otherwise you can just wait until you starve to death.
  7. PkStormx

    Low FPS problem!

    we need computer specs and such.
  8. Well if were going to be realistic about this game then why do i die of starvation if i dont eat for 2 hours? Why must i drink a soda every 30 mins when im driving around in a car. Why does my car explode when i try to cross a bridge. if the condition degrades very slowly then im all for it, but if its like i shoot 2 mags and it just disappears then its just going to ruin the experience.
  9. PkStormx

    Stuck unconscious?

    After 2 hours and 30 mins, we were able to find you next to Novy Sobor... Hope to keep in contact with you :P
  10. PkStormx

    Stuck unconscious?

    Hey dude, not sure if you saw this already, but my friend PM'ed you so if you could, check your message folder. we would like to help you out.
  11. PkStormx

    Stuck unconscious?

    I would like to help you, but unfortunately i have no idea where you are. Most i can do is drive around in a truck and have us in skype or something.
  12. PkStormx


    i spawned into a server and ran to Stary Sobor, and no loot was there, i dont think it was server hoppers unless they like to take tin cans, and whiskey bottles.
  13. PkStormx

    pve server kicking all non clan members

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1251-want-to-host-a-dayz-server-read-in-here/ Here's the thread.. its been posted at least twice already. Just because you pay for it doesn't make you god.
  14. PkStormx

    UK666 Admin Abuse

    You are not allowed to put a password on the server.
  15. PkStormx

    pve server kicking all non clan members

    Its part of the TOS, so when you lock a server they can shut you down. You pay to host a server so you can say you host one, you are still not allowed to lock, or kick people off. Hope to see this server get shut down.\ I would like to burden you with the process to supply evidence that says im part of the nazi party and supports the extermination of the jewish. You should really go back to school if you cant read and understand the TOS that is provided to you when you host a server. (Dont talk shit about things you dont know about)
  16. PkStormx

    Dayz: Sam Fisher style

    haha, nice video! im sure those 4 are outraged that 1 guy took out all 4 of them! Liked & Faved :P
  17. Personally i think Six Updater is complete crap. Follow the link the guy above me posted, its really easy to do it manually!
  18. PkStormx

    Hacker/Cheater US 43 chicago

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5297-cheat-report-guidelines/ Please read before posting. Nothing is going to happen because you have insufficient evidence.
  19. Pics or it didn't happen. Unfortunately if you weren't running fraps, there is no way you can get them banned.
  20. If they banned everyone who has used an exploit, there would be <10 people left, who just bought the game and are still on the shore. i am guilty of using the unlimited ammo glitch for my DMR mags, and M1911 (When i still had it). Maybe if when i shot my gun, 30 zombies didnt spawn around a shed in the middle of no where, in that case i would not do this glitch.
  21. PkStormx

    US 742 Hacker (Banksy [SAS])

    as far as i know, the UH-1H is in the game... so its not really a hack if he feels like flying a helicopter that he found.
  22. PkStormx

    Was this a dick move?

    wow if this is a dick move... then im awful... i got to NWAF and wait for the server hoppers to join, and shoot them as they spawn.
  23. PkStormx

    Good Heli crash site?

    haha... nice but I've had such luck as you have had. found 2xL85A2, 2xNVG, and a ammo box with 10xSVD mags :P Honestly our group hates the L85 so we just stashed it into our tent.
  24. if im in the situation, where i already have 3 other friends that i trust, then i would try to avoid contact with others, and shoot if they seem to be hostile. (Hostile = Fully auto weapon/Scoped weapon)
  25. PkStormx

    How to die correctly?

    haha wow, you seem really cool about getting killed. but yeah just hit Abort and try again :P