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Everything posted by PkStormx

  1. PkStormx

    Graphic bugs are to bad.

    This is making the game completely unplayable :/
  2. PkStormx

    how to fix atrifacts on dayz??any help

    I am a medic, and theres dead army bodies near, or in the areas of hospitals. making it really difficult to make my way to them. anyone know how to fix?
  3. PkStormx

    Banned for combat logging

    Thank god someone who can man up and take responsibility is here. You have my beans and hopefully the fighting will stop. However your admins should have been aware that it is a non-bannable offense, but i do understand that they could forget (I forget some of the forum rules that i admin on occasion, after all we are just humans)
  4. PkStormx

    Banned for combat logging

    I am defending the OP because he was banned unjustly. However if you would prefer to have us all banned who wish to rid the world of Chernarus of corrupt admins, then have fun joining servers and getting banned because they dont want you taking their loot. I do not ALT + F4 because i am a medic, i only carry around medical supplies and killing me is basically worthless because all your getting out of me is a morphine and blood bag, and as much as i hate those who abuse the system, they cannot be banned because of it. The world is unfair, deal with it. You are using a double edged blade.
  5. PkStormx

    Banned for combat logging

    The using of exploits is a non-bannable offense. So admins are powerless against them. I'ts in the TOS. Have a problem with it?
  6. PkStormx

    Banned for combat logging

    The admins have been given strict rules that they must obey, or else they violate the TOS and will have their server shut down. The example given by another fellow user, is a little extreme and i don't really follow it all that well. You understand what I'm saying though right? It's the admins duty to follow the strict guideline, or they will face punishment. There are no excuses.
  7. PkStormx

    Banned for combat logging

    As I've stated, have the admins defend themselves, instead of yourself. From my previous post, you should know that i understand that you are just some player on this server, but your statements are incorrect and are honestly making the server look bad. Admins should have read the rules before opening the server, and therefor they are at fault.
  8. PkStormx

    Banned for combat logging

    English is my third language so please excuse the few grammatical errors i have in my writing, and as far as i know, my english is fluent. Have the admins defend themselves, instead of yourself because you are making the server look really bad right now. Rules are rules, you cant get around that.
  9. PkStormx

    Banned for combat logging

    Show me where it says that admins are allowed to ban players for combat logging. As for now i believe your server should be black listed/shut down since you are breaking the rules that have been stated multiple times in this thread already. If you have a problem with people logging off during combat, then file a support ticket and they will take care of it. in other words admins are not to take action against them. The owner would be at fault here because he put immature admins on his server, I feel sorry for him because his server is going to get a black mark because he left a few idiots in charge.
  10. PkStormx

    Banned for combat logging

    Shut down server please, the admins are irresponsible and cant even follow simple rules.
  11. PkStormx

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am a trusted medic, i sent you a PM.
  12. PkStormx

    Allow respawn again

    Because you can pick were you start off in a zombie apocalypse... I disagree with OP. Also those of you who abused the respawn button, you are the ones that caused server instability.
  13. PkStormx

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sent you a PM!
  14. PkStormx

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sent you a PM.
  15. PkStormx

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Online right now, add me on skype if you need assistance! Skype : TehReview
  16. PkStormx

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If anyone needs help, add me on skype! i would like to become a white list medic Skype : TehReview
  17. Because its already hard enough to find military grade items. When it comes to loot its all about luck, you cant just show up and demand a sniper, it doesn't work that way. If that were the case, everyone would be running around with ghille suits, and L85's. The amount of military loot should be decreased dramatically. In the span of 2 days, hitting stary sobor and NWAF twice, a heli crash, and just some random deer stands i've already obtained a GPS, M107, M4SD, M9SD, NVG, Ghille suit, Coyote backpack. IMHO its too easy to find military loot.
  18. PkStormx

    Retard admin

    *Sarcasm* Darn that sucks... So you lost a gun and your equipment, but that hacker was brought to justice... how selfish of the owner to shut down the server, instead of letting you get your important gear back. */Sarcasm*
  19. PkStormx

    Game Nerfed BAD!

    So what you want them to grand 2.4k blood per piece of meat? Then whats the point of blood bags? The game is still insanely easy.
  20. PkStormx

    Game Nerfed BAD!

    Cooked meat still grants 800 blood so i dont know what your complaining about. Also the game is still too easy. I prefer the G17 because i find ammo for it everywhere, also its 1 shot to the head so if you can aim, go with the G17/PDW
  21. I did a fresh install of Arma 2 and OA, but now i cant seem to run the Beta patch because when i try it tells me i have the wrong CD key. i bought both games from steam if that helps. and i did try to use the search function but said that the word "CD" was not allowed or something. *Tried installing 95208 (Was working before i reinstalled)
  22. PkStormx

    Wrong CD Key ~ Beta Patch issue.

    Oh sorry i just realized i didnt make it clear in the above... i'm having trouble installing the beta patch
  23. PkStormx

    Problem Misisng Chernarus

    Hmmm... Possibly you could try to drag over a few folders from Arma2... not sure if it works like that but its worth a shot?
  24. Little harsh... an entire 1% per shot? im thinking like 0.1% per shot. (For fully auto weapons). Weapons dont break after 100 shots. Nor do they after 1000 shots, but we can assume they arent new when you find them.
  25. PkStormx

    thermal = op

    It's a rare gun, i believe it should stay seeing how its as rare as it is. the being said i've been playing for about a month and i've found over 6 of them.\ i personally dislike the gun, but it should stay.