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About Shikhee

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Shikhee


    The 7000 series of AMD just got price reduction. A 7850 is around 200 now which is a great choice.
  2. Shikhee

    Getting a sniper Rifle.

    I got my last sniper rifle at a heli crash. After going to numerous deer stands and raiding stary sober and the NW airfield multiple times. I got really lucky though because I found a heli crash and while I was sneaking up to it I must have aggro'd and while I was killing the zeds arma crashed on me. I couldn't remember the server I was on so I got into a random one and there was another heli crash about 500 meters away. The sniper I had before this I found at the very first deer stand that I visited then a few days later I spawned in passed out with broken bones and bleeding.
  3. Most games don't use 4 cores let alone 6. If you can get at least a 6850, if you can't afford a 560 ti then a 6870 performs very closely to it as well. My old rig had a 6850 in it and it could run the game on high settings easily. Also you won't see much of a benefit getting an SSD, especially a small SSD.
  4. Shikhee


    I've seen 2 on a server at the same time as well. Both were over elektro and one of them had a pretty terrible pilot because he crashed into the hillside probably 30 feet from us.
  5. Shikhee

    Spawned in dead

    This has happened to me quite a few times. And every single time it happens I disconnect immediately and join another server and I'll be back to where I was before with all of my gear. It's spawned me at the coast a few times as well with all of my gear too.
  6. For some reason most of my server list is missing. Right now for me there are 5 US servers and all of them are locked, is this happening to anyone else? Never mind, it fixed itself after relaunching the game. Sorry I couldn't help with your problem.
  7. Shikhee

    The best sniper rifle in the game?

    I'd say the DMR during night and the AS50 during the day. I can fairly easily get 1 shot kills with the DMR at ranges nearing 800 meters. Yesterday I had 3 kills at 700+ meters in just a short while. The AS50 gets it during the day because of range and damage.
  8. It may not be the full list, refresh a couple of times and you might be able to find more. When I was trying to play with a friend last night neither of our server lists matched up.
  9. Is it ok to server hop to try and get a server without graphical glitches? I'm at the NW airfield and can't even get close without being blinded by them. So i have to hop about 10 times before I find a server that's actually playable in that area.
  10. Shikhee

    Building A Gaming Pc. Budget.

    Bulldozer is pretty bad. Either a Phenom II X4 965 or an i3 2120 perform better in games. Besides Hexa cores aren't very good for games since most games won't use the cores.
  11. I play solo and can usually get a rifle within 20 minutes and raid a supermarket shortly after. Look in fire stations and deer stands if you need a weapon. I've found so many AKM's and such it's not even funny.
  12. Shikhee

    Will It Run?

    HA. No. The hawk version just has a better cooler than other 560's. Besides the Twin Frozr on the 7850 is better anyways.
  13. Shikhee

    Will It Run?

    They are not the same performance. The 7850 is also more power efficient and overclocks better.
  14. Shikhee

    Will It Run?

    Then go with a 6870
  15. Shikhee

    Will It Run?

    Why should he get that 560ti when the 7850 is priced the same and performs better, has less power draw, and overclocks better?