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Everything posted by CoolGuy12356

  1. CoolGuy12356

    Mass ban wave

    So i was playing lingor not even hacking and boom global banned and then i was looking and forums and shit and everyone saying they just got banned for no reason and a shit ton of people just got banned. I think battle eye just banned a bunch of innocents with this wave that we just got hit by. Anyone else experience this?
  2. CoolGuy12356

    Mass ban wave

    Yeah i tried to join a regular dayz server same thing i sent an email also man this ruined my day haha thanks for being helpful man :D!!!!
  3. CoolGuy12356

    Mass ban wave

    No i understand man i was just playing the map cause i just wanted to try it and then script restriction comes up for everyone then like 9 people on the server i was on not including me was banned and im reading forums of a shit ton of people just got banned!
  4. CoolGuy12356

    Mass ban wave

    This happened on non lingor to so fuck off
  5. CoolGuy12356

    Mass ban wave

    Yeah im reading a bunch of forums and shit and BE just banned a bunch of innocent people so funny BE IS SO WIN!!!!!!!!
  6. launch six updater then when it comes up and if i put my mouse over anything it goes black only does it with this program PLEASE!!! HELP!!!!
  7. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    To everyone i had no idea the AS50's with thermal weren't legit in the game i had no idea and i just dropped them. Also the satchel charges we found 4 in a vehicle he had 2 i had 2 and when we placed them they weren't disappearing out of our inventory. and the ghillie suit i had for awhile i got it from a campsite we had before ghillie suits were removed. The ghillie suit spawns were removed we still had suits that weren't used in our tents no hacks were used. I apologize i didn't know the AS50's were hacked we found both of them at a crashed helicopter so I assumed they were legit i'd like to apologize to everyone !! :P Quote MultiQuote Edit
  8. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    LOL :D
  9. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    found the as50's shortly after being killed, i was new to dayz and arma cause i had no idea how to start a jet LULZ but i apologize to anyone who thought i was a hacker wich im not i had no idea knew the as50s were hacked items and like to apologize to noregrets and everyone else SORRY!!!!!!
  10. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    i have video of the hacker spawning shit and how we were trying to get his name and after we encountered him we found the weapons not to shortly after
  11. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    As i say again i'd like to apologize to anyone i did not hack the AS50's i had no idea were hacked in weapons cause i'm new to this game i have dropped the weapons AND the satchel charges. I did not hack at all in any period of this game and if i knew i was hacking and spawning that shit I WOULD'VE NEVER uploaded it to youtube and all the controversy i had removed the video also. I DO NOT HACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    i like that lol
  13. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    I changed my name cause im getting blamed for stupid shit hacking wich ive never hacked i found the weapon by the crashed helicopter the UH or whatever it's called and it had 2 of the AS50's next to it i thought nothing of it at the time cause it was my 3rd time playing the game. i apologized and i dropped the weapons.
  14. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    None of our clan members hack lulz you sir are a fucking idiot 1st of all i had no fucking idea the guns were hacked in and i did find them by a crashed helicopter and let me clear this up by crashed helicopter i mean an actual HU helicopter crashed by the ground with 2 guns by it so i picked them up i had no fucking idea they were hacked in i was new to this game when i made this.
  15. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    i got the satchels i logged out when i got back to my camp and when i came back in to blow stuff up with the new 2 satchels i got when i layed down and placed down it would say 2 flash red and still say 2.
  16. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    you can not believe but i did find them by a crashed helicopter after a hacker spawned us all in one spot and we had a war and i dont hack. im fucking 14 i have no clue how to hack i had no fucking idea the guns were hacked in and i have dropped the 2 we had.
  17. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    To everyone i had no idea the AS50's with thermal weren't legit in the game i had no idea and i just dropped them. Also the satchel charges we found 4 in a vehicle he had 2 i had 2 and when we placed them they weren't disappearing out of our inventory. and the ghillie suit i had for awhile i got it from a campsite we had before ghillie suits were removed. The ghillie suit spawns were removed we still had suits that weren't used in our tents no hacks were used. I apologize i didn't know the AS50's were hacked we found both of them at a crashed helicopter so I assumed they were legit i'd like to apologize to everyone !! :P
  18. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    no zombie kills cause we barley go in towns plus i didn't know the weapons weren't legit and now that i know i dropped them ive had that ghillie suit on for awhile now the clones we were blowing up is a duping exploit which i notified the developers about and they know about and the satchel charges were found in a vehicle and when we placed them down they were not disappearing no hacks were used
  19. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    not cheating found the weapons at a crashed helicopter are they not legit???? and the satchel charges we found in a vehicle and when we placed them down they didn't disappear no hacks were used!
  20. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    no hacks were used lol
  21. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    found them in a vehicle and theres a bug were you place them down they weren't disappearing it was wierd
  22. CoolGuy12356

    DayZ explosion montage

    Found the weapons by the crashed helicopters and the satchel charges we found in a vehicle and for some reason they weren't disappearing when we placed them no hacks were used
  23. CoolGuy12356

    HELP with six updater please
